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ati catalyst control centre host application has encountered a problem

Vladimir (67)|1.5.2008 15:39

Ati Catalyst control centre mi robi problemy. Po nastartovani pocitaca mi do niekolkych minut vyhodi nasledovnu hlasku: ati catalyst control centre: host application has encountered a problem and needs to close... Dakde na nete som sa docital ze moze byt zle odstranenymi starymi ovladacmi, ale to nieje moj pripad, lebo akurat vcera som nanovo preinstaloval win xp (sp3), a rovno som nainstaloval najnovsie catalysty 8.4. Mate dake napady co s tym? Vopred dakujem.
ICEBOSS (3435)|2.5.2008 01:52
hm. nevim.

co mas za grafiku? jestli nejakou 9600, tak nainstaluj tak catalysty 5.11.

Jestli mas novejsi kartu, zkus catalysty 8.3. nebo si kup nvidiu, ta podobnymi stupidnimi problemy netrpi (vim ze je to blba hlaska, ale ted jsem instaloval R9600 a zazil jsem i par BSODu na podporovanych ovladacich).

Tady je k tomu celkem velka diskuse, tak si ju procti:
kikloop (140)|2.5.2008 11:54
catalyst funguje na .NET frameworku, takze mozno by ti pomohlo stiahnut nejake updaty na framework, popripade ich preinstalovat. V opacnom pripade downgrade catalystov na stabilnu verziu a nesahat na to :)
.. podla mna kazdy update ovladacov,BIOSu musi mat nejaku podstatu a musi riesit nejaky konkretny problem. Nebudem predsa updatovat ovladace na stabilne fungujucej zostave len preto ze existuju novsie. Potom sa stava presne to, co tebe :)
pas!k (3765)|2.5.2008 12:26
Myslim z ete bude zjimat hlavne tenhle prispevek :)

From what I'm seeing around the interweb, a lot of people are getting the "Host application has encountered a problem" for each graphic card they have in their system. I'm one of those people.

Here's what I did to fix this. I'm not making any claim that this is the correct thing to do. In fact, as much as I want to help people, I'm also looking for feedback on why this procedure worked for me and which step might not have been necessary or might have negative, rather than positive effects. Even though I no longer receive the "Host application has encountered a problem" error message and I can start the Catalyst Control Center and the ATI (CCC) icon is in the system tray, I'm now having screen resolution issues with older games, in which those games will not allow me to play the game at any resolution higher than 1280 x 768 (which is certainly not my monitors maximum screen resolution).

1. Download the 8.4 catalyst suite.

2. Download and install a program call Driver Cleaner Pro, use Google to find it.

3. Schedule a disk check and restart your computer.

4. Uninstall your ATI software using the uninstall utility.

5. Reboot your computer into safe mode.

6. When in safe mode, run Driver Cleaner Pro, tick the box next to select multiple cleaning filters, then add all (or those that you think are relevant) the ATI filters to the white box on the right. Once you have all the ATI filters listed, click start. When its finishes, click close.

7. While still in safe mode, open regedit. To do this, on your keyboard, press both the windows key and the letter r at the same time, then type regedit and press OK.

8. In regedit, you need to delete most of the ATI registry keys. Before deleting any keys, you need to backup the registry. You can export the registry to a file. Look under menu for Export.

You should find ATI keys to delete under:



Now, remember to backup the registry before doing the following. I'm not responsible if this breaks something.
Once again, backup your registry. You don't want to have to reinstall windows if this procedure breaks something.

Look under HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Video

You will see a number of {########-####-####-####-############} folders. These folders contain
one or two subfolders, either 0000 or 0001. Now look in each subfolder, if one of those subfolders (most likely 0001) contains the following lines, then delete the parent {### ... etc. ###} folder.

Here are the lines you are looking for:


I would not delete the key under HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG\System\CurrentControlSet\Services. Once you are done editing the registry, close regedit. Schedule another disk check, then restart the computer. Once you boot into windows, cancel the Found New Hardware wizard, and then run the ATI installation file.

If any part of this isn't wise to do in your opinion, please take more time than simply stating your objection, in other words, offer an explanation.

Before I decided to delete keys in the registry I did the following first.

1. I ran the ATI uninstall utility, then restarted the computer, and ran the 8.4 installation file. Did not work.

2. I ran the ATI uninstall utility, then restarted the computer in safe mode, ran Driver Cleaner Pro, then restarted the computer and ran the 8.4 installation file. Did not work.

3. I ran the ATI uninstall utility, then restarted the computer in safe mode, ran Driver Cleaner Pro, then deleted the registry keys under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software, then restarted the computer and ran the 8.4 installation file. Did not work.

4. I did every thing I did in try number 3, except I deleted the additional registry keys under HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG \CurrentControlSet\Control\Video. I also deleted the registry key under HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG\System\CurrentControlSet\Services. However, this key wasn't replaced with the new installation, so I would not advice deleting it.

ICEBOSS (3435)|2.5.2008 13:56
hm. je to i v linku vys a melo by to fungovat. to je fakt vylozene normalni instalace ovladace... na zabiti. :-)
Vladimir (67)|2.5.2008 14:14
Mam radeon 3870. Ten postup co ste popisali som uz cital, popisuje iba to ako kompletne odstranit ati ovladace zo systemu. Pochybujem ze to je moj problem kedze na cerstvo nainstalovanom windowse z ati ovladacov nic nebude. Update .net frameworku som skusal.
pas!k (3765)|2.5.2008 14:21
Hmm mam tu samou kartu a xp bez sp3 a s 8.4 nemam sebemensi problem .. takze bych zacal hledat spojitost mezi sp3 a ccc .
Vladimir (67)|2.5.2008 15:26
Kym som mal SP2 robilo to tiez.