Instalace Office 07 na XP
Panove, nedari se mi hodit Office 2007 na System XP Pro. Skace tam tahle hlaska. Uz jsem zkousel 3 verze a porad to stejne. v 64bit Ultimate i Home se instalacka spusti normalne......
No, panove to by me nenapadlo. Je tam myslim jen SP1 a zakladni zaplaty, ( pac je to nove instalovany ) zbytek ne, takze to tam teda hodim pred instalaci......a dam vedet
Vyhrabani mensi mrtvoly, predtim sem ten notas nejak zalozil, ale ted to potrebuju dodelat. Problem stale trva.
Zjistil jsem, ze je tam SP3, BOHUZEL z nejakeho neznameho duvodu nefunguje prez Explorer WindowsUpdate, pise to 404, a stale porad dokola se instaluje aktualizace KB2719985 ( aktualizace zabezpeceni XP ), muzu to spustit treba nekolikrat zasebou, nainstaluje se to i pri vypnuti, ale po restartu systemu uz to tam otravuje znova.
Kdyz chci instalovat Office, hazi to porad stejnou hlasku jako v prvnim prispevku.....
Zjistil jsem, ze je tam SP3, BOHUZEL z nejakeho neznameho duvodu nefunguje prez Explorer WindowsUpdate, pise to 404, a stale porad dokola se instaluje aktualizace KB2719985 ( aktualizace zabezpeceni XP ), muzu to spustit treba nekolikrat zasebou, nainstaluje se to i pri vypnuti, ale po restartu systemu uz to tam otravuje znova.
Kdyz chci instalovat Office, hazi to porad stejnou hlasku jako v prvnim prispevku.....
No, sakra chlapi, porad to nefacha..... Zkusil jsem metodu 1 od Kevina, (FIX IT to neopravi) pak metodu 2, ( Agent Webu windows update ) a to nejde taky, protoze to pri spusteni pozaduje nainstalovany Framework2 ale nejde stahnout....tak jak ho asi mam nainstalovat z webu microsoftu...
BTW Kod chyby pri vyhledavani Windows Update je 0x800700C1
Stahnul jsem manualne a na nekolikatery pokus nainstaloval NetFramework2, kterej byl potreba pro spusteni Agent Windows Update, ale ani toto nefunguje. Instalace Office stale neni mozna. Porad to pise to prvni hlasku...... Co je todle za kokotinu, to svet nevidel......
A stale neustale ddokola se instaluje aktualizace KB2719985 - nainstaluje se a za 10 vterin na to vyskoci znova bublina......po restartu to samy....
BTW Kod chyby pri vyhledavani Windows Update je 0x800700C1
Stahnul jsem manualne a na nekolikatery pokus nainstaloval NetFramework2, kterej byl potreba pro spusteni Agent Windows Update, ale ani toto nefunguje. Instalace Office stale neni mozna. Porad to pise to prvni hlasku...... Co je todle za kokotinu, to svet nevidel......
A stale neustale ddokola se instaluje aktualizace KB2719985 - nainstaluje se a za 10 vterin na to vyskoci znova bublina......po restartu to samy....
Takze pouzil jsem navod odsud na rozchozeni Windows Update..... ted dotahuju vsechny aktualizace a zaplaty a uvidim, co to udela pak pri instalaci Office.....
[QUOTE=Georginek;512627]BTW Kod chyby pri vyhledavani Windows Update je 0x800700C1[/QUOTE]
[SPOILER=Zkus tento postup]Microsoft Update Tech Support suggested the following which fixed the problem...
Suggestion 1 Re-register the System components.
1. Click Start, Run, type: cmd and press Enter.
2. Run the following commands:
regsvr32 regwizc.dll
Regsvr32 licdll.dll
We will receive "succeeded" message if a component is registered successfully.
After that, please try to access the Windows Update site again. If the issue persists, let us try to use the System File Checker (SFC) to scan system components. Please be reassured that we can try this step safely. System File Checker checks for damaged or replaced corrupt system files. Thank you for your understanding and efforts. For your convenience, I have re-attached the steps to perform the SFC
Suggestion 2 Use the System File Checker (SFC) to scan system components.
1. Insert the Windows XP installation CD into the CD-ROM; Click Exit if the auto-menu pops up.
2. Click Start, click Run, type: cmd and press Enter.
3. Input the following commands and press Enter after each line.
sfc /purgecache
sfc /scannow
Note: There is a SPACE between "SFC" and "/Scannow", "/Purgecache", and this command will take several minutes to complete and may require access to the Windows installation source files.
After trying above steps, let’s try to access the Windows Update site again. [/SPOILER]
[QUOTE=Georginek;512627]A stale neustale ddokola se instaluje aktualizace KB2719985[/QUOTE]
Pár tipů -
[SPOILER=Zkus tento postup]Microsoft Update Tech Support suggested the following which fixed the problem...
Suggestion 1 Re-register the System components.
1. Click Start, Run, type: cmd and press Enter.
2. Run the following commands:
regsvr32 regwizc.dll
Regsvr32 licdll.dll
We will receive "succeeded" message if a component is registered successfully.
After that, please try to access the Windows Update site again. If the issue persists, let us try to use the System File Checker (SFC) to scan system components. Please be reassured that we can try this step safely. System File Checker checks for damaged or replaced corrupt system files. Thank you for your understanding and efforts. For your convenience, I have re-attached the steps to perform the SFC
Suggestion 2 Use the System File Checker (SFC) to scan system components.
1. Insert the Windows XP installation CD into the CD-ROM; Click Exit if the auto-menu pops up.
2. Click Start, click Run, type: cmd and press Enter.
3. Input the following commands and press Enter after each line.
sfc /purgecache
sfc /scannow
Note: There is a SPACE between "SFC" and "/Scannow", "/Purgecache", and this command will take several minutes to complete and may require access to the Windows installation source files.
After trying above steps, let’s try to access the Windows Update site again. [/SPOILER]
[QUOTE=Georginek;512627]A stale neustale ddokola se instaluje aktualizace KB2719985[/QUOTE]
Pár tipů -