FirstWare-co to je?
Tak sem si řek že bych to mohl zkusit Linux na flashce.S Linuxama sem zatim žádný zkušenosti neměl.Tak se juknu do boot menu a vidim tam removable medium nebo nějak tak,tak sem si myslel že je to USB,stáhnu SLAX,vic jak hodinu kopiruju na flashku a pak to resetnu a zjistim že to removable medium znamenalo disketu.To by vás trefil infarkt.Ale aspon sem přitom zjistil že můžu kompa nabootovat do nějakýho programu FirstWare(něco od výrobce mýho biosu Phoenix tech...),je to asi něco na záchranu dat a diagnostiku když nenaběhne normální OS,dá se v tom taky vybrat z čeho se má dál bootovat.Nevíte někdo k čemu by to mělo bejt atd.
P.S:Nejsem si jistej jestli sem to dal do správnýho tématu,kdyžtak to přesunte.
P.S:Nejsem si jistej jestli sem to dal do správnýho tématu,kdyžtak to přesunte.
á, první ovoce
What is FirstWare?
FirstWare is a feature of the Phoenix FirstBIOS and is part of the Phoenix Core Managed Environment (cME) that we offer with Scenic/Esprimo/Celsius systems. If FirstWare RecoverPro comes with your PC, click on Start - All programs - RecoverPro for more information. There are also some pdf documents on your FirstWare RecoverPro Recovery CD which was delivered with your PC that has more detailed information.
Fujitsu Siemens PC's that come with FirstWare RecoverPro pre-installed, have a dedicated 10GB partition of hard disk called the Host Protected Area or HPA. This HPA is unavailable to Windows, so Windows will report the Hard Disk size as being 10GB less than the true size of the disk.
This HPA can be used to allow for a quick and easy recovery of the Operating System, Applications & Data, in the event of a system crash. It allows you to create both static restore points (where you create a copy of the entire hard disk drive or boot partition and store it in the HPA) or incremental restore points (which automatically track changes to the hard disk drive in real time and stores all data and system changes for quick recovery).
A imho neměla by se ta fleška udělat nějak jako "bootovací"? Nebo to stačí jen kopnout, páč u CDček se musí vypálit BOOTCD.
á, první ovoce
What is FirstWare?
FirstWare is a feature of the Phoenix FirstBIOS and is part of the Phoenix Core Managed Environment (cME) that we offer with Scenic/Esprimo/Celsius systems. If FirstWare RecoverPro comes with your PC, click on Start - All programs - RecoverPro for more information. There are also some pdf documents on your FirstWare RecoverPro Recovery CD which was delivered with your PC that has more detailed information.
Fujitsu Siemens PC's that come with FirstWare RecoverPro pre-installed, have a dedicated 10GB partition of hard disk called the Host Protected Area or HPA. This HPA is unavailable to Windows, so Windows will report the Hard Disk size as being 10GB less than the true size of the disk.
This HPA can be used to allow for a quick and easy recovery of the Operating System, Applications & Data, in the event of a system crash. It allows you to create both static restore points (where you create a copy of the entire hard disk drive or boot partition and store it in the HPA) or incremental restore points (which automatically track changes to the hard disk drive in real time and stores all data and system changes for quick recovery).
A imho neměla by se ta fleška udělat nějak jako "bootovací"? Nebo to stačí jen kopnout, páč u CDček se musí vypálit BOOTCD.
ehm,to by tak odpovídalo mam pc značky Fujitsu-siemens,a ted sem si všim že mi schází 10Gb z 80Gb disku,to bude ta HPA,jestli to dobře chapu tak je to program vytvářející zálohy windows a jinejch dat,jinak sem zkoušel tenhle OS,o kterym sem se dozvěděl někde tady na foru.