D - programovací jazyk
Vše o nově připravovaném programovacím jazyku D, který Walter Bright nepochybně v brzké době představí.
[INDENT] * native code speed
* extremely fast compilation times
* garbage collection (although you can manage your own memory if you want)
* OOP - by reference only, easy initialization, always virtual
* cleaner template metaprogramming syntax, more powerful templates, as well
* built-in dynamic and associative arrays, array slicing
* versioning (no preprocessor madness)
* link-compatibility with C
* nested functions
* class delegates / function pointers
* module system[/INDENT]
A odpověď, která se na slashdot.org vzápětí objevila:
[INDENT]From the compared to C/C++ list:
* native code speed
As opposed to C/C++.
* extremely fast compilation times
Point granted (compared with most C++ compilers).
* garbage collection (although you can manage your own memory if you want)
Point granted, even though C and C++ arguably have optional garbage collection as well (if you link to the right library).
* OOP - by reference only, easy initialization, always virtual
Only value semantic? Meyer had to accept that value semantic was useful, and add it to Eiffel eventually, and C# added it over Java.
And no way to specify that a function will always be the one specific. Good luck doing any kind of reasoning there.
Bragging about missing features, that are essential to many tasks.
* cleaner template metaprogramming syntax, more powerful templates, as well
*More* powerful templates? The usual complaint is that C++ templates are too powerful (a Turing-equivalent compile time language).
* built-in dynamic and associative arrays, array slicing
Not exactly a recommendation that the core language apparently is so weak that these can't be put into libraries.
* versioning (no preprocessor madness)
I'm guessing he meant variants here, the preprocessor is often used for variants, rarely for versioning.
* link-compatibility with C
Which C and C++ of course lacks?
* nested functions
* class delegates / function pointers
Obviously both C and C++ have function pointers.
* module system
More preprecessor replacement here.
The C#/Java list:
* similar syntax
But totally different from C++?
* No virtual machine or interpreter
You can compile Java and C# to native code as well, so this is just another case of bragging about a missing feature.
* built-in unit testing and design-by-contract
I'm a C++ programmer, and this is by far the most interesting aspect of the D language (and of Eiffel before that). Don't know why it should be in the Java/C# list.[/INDENT]
Ehm, zatím asi zbytečný thread, jelikož D ještě nebylo vypuštěno, ale do budoucna se může hodit.
[INDENT] * native code speed
* extremely fast compilation times
* garbage collection (although you can manage your own memory if you want)
* OOP - by reference only, easy initialization, always virtual
* cleaner template metaprogramming syntax, more powerful templates, as well
* built-in dynamic and associative arrays, array slicing
* versioning (no preprocessor madness)
* link-compatibility with C
* nested functions
* class delegates / function pointers
* module system[/INDENT]
A odpověď, která se na slashdot.org vzápětí objevila:
[INDENT]From the compared to C/C++ list:
* native code speed
As opposed to C/C++.
* extremely fast compilation times
Point granted (compared with most C++ compilers).
* garbage collection (although you can manage your own memory if you want)
Point granted, even though C and C++ arguably have optional garbage collection as well (if you link to the right library).
* OOP - by reference only, easy initialization, always virtual
Only value semantic? Meyer had to accept that value semantic was useful, and add it to Eiffel eventually, and C# added it over Java.
And no way to specify that a function will always be the one specific. Good luck doing any kind of reasoning there.
Bragging about missing features, that are essential to many tasks.
* cleaner template metaprogramming syntax, more powerful templates, as well
*More* powerful templates? The usual complaint is that C++ templates are too powerful (a Turing-equivalent compile time language).
* built-in dynamic and associative arrays, array slicing
Not exactly a recommendation that the core language apparently is so weak that these can't be put into libraries.
* versioning (no preprocessor madness)
I'm guessing he meant variants here, the preprocessor is often used for variants, rarely for versioning.
* link-compatibility with C
Which C and C++ of course lacks?
* nested functions
* class delegates / function pointers
Obviously both C and C++ have function pointers.
* module system
More preprecessor replacement here.
The C#/Java list:
* similar syntax
But totally different from C++?
* No virtual machine or interpreter
You can compile Java and C# to native code as well, so this is just another case of bragging about a missing feature.
* built-in unit testing and design-by-contract
I'm a C++ programmer, and this is by far the most interesting aspect of the D language (and of Eiffel before that). Don't know why it should be in the Java/C# list.[/INDENT]
Ehm, zatím asi zbytečný thread, jelikož D ještě nebylo vypuštěno, ale do budoucna se může hodit.
angličtine sice rozumiem, preložiť si to ako tak preložim hoci niesom programatorksa class ale už ked sem niečo davaš tak nech je to v SK alebo CZ jazyku, inak by sa to malo presunut do "diskusie k člankom zo zahraničných serverov" :)
Preklad by určite mnohých potešil, no pokiaľ sa jedná o programovací jazyk, tak je to tu umiestnené korektne.
docela dost informaci a tutorial k tomuto jazyku (D - Mars) jsem nalezl na tom to webu":