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AMD Rx6x0

Smeli (2302)|8.6.2007 12:49
Tento thread berte jako takového následovníka původního ATi R6x0.

Bude určen k diskuzi ohledně blížících se nových derivátů a die shrinku R600. Na serverech fudzilla.com a vr-zone.com se objevila tabulka, jež by měla bát roadmapou těchto GPU.

Také podle fudzilly je R600 to nej od ATi, co do Vánoc uvidíme. R650/670 prý vůbec nebudou, i když R670 údajně existuje.

Kolik je na tom pravdy, zjeví až čas.

Diskuzi ohledně R600, RV630/610 se věnujte v jejich vlastních vláknech :)
Gorduza (22)|14.6.2007 12:40
vim, ma se to brat s rezervou, ale co znamena kolonka performance? K jake karte z drivejsich let by se to dalo priradit, protoze jestli top karty v tabulce ted stoji 10.000,- tak kolik bude stat tahle kategorie?? Na druhou stranu, pokud se jim podari vychytat chybky u stavajici generace a budouci rada bude rychlejsi jak 8800 Ultra, tak ji asi tezko budou prodavat za 10k, to by se museli uplne zcvoknout a chtit pohrbit nVidii (nadsazka).
Smeli (2302)|14.6.2007 14:12
Performance je nižší high end a vyšší mainstream, cenově 6-8k, tzn. své doby X1950Pro, X1800XL ap. (své doby!!!) :runaway
Weslo (234)|14.6.2007 19:39
[QUOTE=Gorduza;38764].... performance? ... [/QUOTE]
to je přesně to co si každý normální člověk do PC koupí - viz dnešek
po Nv 8600GT a 7600GT neštěkne ani pes a všichni kupují X1950GT za 3k (tzn. za hubičku)
vzhledem k tomu že X1950GT vychází z 1950Pro a ta z 1900GT tak předpokládám stejný postup i u R6x0
takže z HD 2900XT se stane HD 2900GT které bude mít třeba snížené takty a třeba jenom 280 stream procesorů - pak udělají nižším výrobní procesem varianty HD 2950 - a ty za cenu okolo 5k s parametry téměř high endu budou opět nejlepší volbou do PC
Gorduza (22)|15.6.2007 00:17
Tak za cenu 8k to budou nabuseny karty, uz aby to vydali, tahle rada nestoji moc za koupi, pokud clovek pomiji nejlevnejsi karty, kterej jsou lepsi a levnejsi jak stejne sumty od nVidie (8600), navic jsem slysel o nejakych problemech. Takze nVidie v nizsim sektoru nic moc. Ale zase na druhou stranu, si to pekne rozdelili. Ati ma spodek a nVidie vrsek potravniho retezce. Jen by me zajimalo, kdo se vic napadkuje? Ja tipuju nV, pac dost se prodava a s vyssi cenou by meli utrzit vic, zase ATI by mela tech karet prodat mrte, za tu cenu do obycejneho PC jedna basen.
Smeli (2302)|7.8.2007 12:50
Tak, ofouknem prach...

Podle serveru Fudzilla (berme info jako orientační :)) by se karty s GPU RV670 měly objevit v lednu či únoru příštího roku společně s RV635 a RV620 (die shrinky RV630 a 615). Karty by měly být vyráběny 55nm výrobním procesem a měly by dosahovat i vyšších frekvencí.

Smeli (2302)|22.8.2007 13:04
[odkaz, pro zobrazení se přihlaste]

[QUOTE]We first told you about R680 in our last AMD discrete graphics roadmap and it seems AMD is pushing real hard to launch it in January 2008. Apart from DX10.1, SM 4.1, PCIe 2.0 and UVD support, it also supports display port and next generation Crossfire. We learned that R680 has 320 stream processors like the R600 and supports double precision floating point. So effectively, R680 is an enhanced R600 with finer process technology and more features. CJ told us that R680 is clocked at 800Mhz+ and comes with 512MB or 1GB GDDR3 memories but we knew that R680 supports GDDR4 too. Most likely it will come with 512-bit memory interface. Along with R680, we should be seeing RV635 and RV620 replacing HD 2600 (RV630) and HD 2400 (RV610) respectively as well as HD 2950 Pro (RV670) to form a complete top to bottom line-up.[/QUOTE]
Smeli (2302)|22.8.2007 16:13
[odkaz, pro zobrazení se přihlaste]

[QUOTE]Our good friend CJ brings us more information on the upcoming RV670 GPU from AMD where it will officially replace the Radeon X1950 Pro. Do check out our discrete graphics roadmap. RV670 is projected to run as fast as the current R600 but with lower GPU temps and TDP. AMD calls RV670 a Gaming Applications Processor which bridges 3D HD gap. RV670 is 55nm based, has 320 stream processors and a 256-bit memory interface.

There will be 2 versions of RV670; Gladiator and Revival. Gladiator is clocked at 825MHz core and 1.2GHz memory while Revival is clocked at 750MHz core and 900MHz memory. Gladiator has 512MB of GDDR4 memory and Revival comes with either 256MB or 512MB of GDDR3 memory. These cards will be single slot and is fully DX10.1/SM4.1 compliant. It supports PCI Express 2.0, UVD as well as the next generation Crossfire technology.

RV670 is scheduled for sampling in September, MP in December and expect it to launch in end 2007 or early 2008. RV670 will be officially known as Radeon HD 2950 Pro when launch and will probably priced between $199 to $249.[/QUOTE]

Pokud příjde... no už mlaskám a prskám na monitor :D
first.indian (683)|22.8.2007 16:25
Pokud příjde... no už mlaskám a prskám na monitor :D[/QUOTE]

HD 2950Pro vypada moc moc moc dobre... :) Uvidime jaka bude nakonec cena, spotreba a vykon... Ale zatim to vypada zajimave podle specifikaci. Ale to vypadal HD 2900XT taky a vykon/spotreba zadna slava...
Smeli (2302)|22.8.2007 16:29
[QUOTE=first.indian;45324]HD 2950Pro vypada moc moc moc dobre... :) Uvidime jaka bude nakonec cena, spotreba a vykon... Ale zatim to vypada zajimave podle specifikaci. Ale to vypadal HD 2900XT taky a vykon/spotreba zadna slava...[/QUOTE]

U R600 je problém s 80nm HS u TSMC - kdyby karta tolik netopila šla by i lépe taktovat (viz. pokusy před vydáním kdy se objevovali OC GPU na 1GHz).

No, myslím že tahle karta by mohla být konečně nástupcem X1950Pro se všemi poctami :)
Smeli (2302)|29.8.2007 12:37
Další díl Věřte, nevěřte:
RV670 card to have 100W TDP

[QUOTE]RV670 cards will have smaller PCBs and less complex compared to R600 cards and as RV670 is a mainstream card it will have to cost less than the high end PCB.

Our sources indicates that RV670 card will have 8 to 10 layer printed circuit boards and this will keep the cost of the cards on the acceptable level.

The same sources also have confirmed that the new chip will have TDP way under 100W and this certainly means that the new chip will be significantly cooler than the current ATI’s high end. One more time RV670 is mainstream but it should bring some performance close to the current high end. [/QUOTE]
Smeli (2302)|10.9.2007 12:57
55nm RV635 and RV620 to come in January

[QUOTE]AMD's RV610 and RV630-powered Radeon HD 2400 and 2600 graphic cards are selling quite well as a lot of OEM orders have wanted cooler 65nm parts and not Nvidia's 80nm-built GPUs. But, as the Green team is not standing still, AMD is already working on new version of their mid-range and low-end chips. The upcoming RV635 and RV620 are built using the half-node 55nm process and are set to replace the RV630 and RV610 respectively early next year.

Both chips will be produced by TSMC and will enable AMD to clock their cards even higher while still keeping temperatures and power requirements at decent levels. But the RV635 and RV620 will be more than die-shrinks as they will feature support for PCI-Express 2.0 and DirectX 10.1, the upcoming API version that Microsoft will introduce with Vista Service Pack 1.

Both chips are currently in the works with first samples being planned for October and mass availability set for January.[/QUOTE]
Smeli (2302)|19.11.2007 15:35
AMD preps DirectX 10.1 'Radeon HD 3600' GPU pair

[QUOTE]AMD is expected to launch the successor to its ATI Radeon HD 2600 in January, and now the two new parts' speed details have emerged.

Graphics card maker sources cited by DigiTimes point two versions of the 'RV635' GPU one an XT model, the other a Pro. The former will be clocked at 800MHz, the latter at 600MHz. The chips support DirectX 10.1 - due to be released with Windows Vista Service Pack 1 early next year.

Both GPUs will connect to memory across a 128-bit bus, but while the Pro will appear on cards containing at least 512MB of GDDR 2 SDRam, XT-based cards will have 256MB of GDDR 3. As yet, memory clock speeds are not known.

The GPUs will be sampling shortly, the moles maintained.

However, it seems unlikely the two chips will come to market with Pro and XT monikers. As AMD demonstrated with the ATI Radeon HD 3800 series of GPUs, announced last week, it's effectively dropping such tags in favour of model numbers.

So while it might have launched the 3800 XT and 3800 Pro last week, in fact it announced the 3870 and the 3850 instead. Presumably, it will do the same with the ATI Radeon HD 3600, or whatever range the RV635 ships as.

The RV635 launch is expected to be accompanied by 'RV620', the successor to today's ATI Radeon HD 2400 family - HD 3400 series, anyone? [/QUOTE]
Smeli (2302)|7.12.2007 08:34

DisplayPort Cards Coming, AMD's RV635 Unveiled

[QUOTE]We've got a bit of show-and-tell for you here this morning. You might recall recent announcements of a new digital display interface, dubbed DisplayPort by VESA, the Video Electronics Standards Association. This new interface will supplant DVI and VGA connections eventually and its micropacket architecture offers significantly more bandwidth with multi-monitor support over a single cable. Like HDMI, a DisplayPort connection can carry 8-channel 24-bit audio, but also offers a dedicated auxiliary link for control communications of things like panel I/O and microphone connections. There are hundreds of big brand name companies behind the standard that is set to compete with HDMI for desktop and notebook dominance, including the likes of AMD, Intel, NVIDIA, Samsung and Dell. However, DisplayPort is more likely to co-exist with HDMI, since HDMI is specifically targeted for consumer electronics like set-top boxes, DVD players etc, while DisplayPort was designed from the ground up for computing.

Though we've heard through the grapevine that NVIDIA is readying DisplayPort capable graphics cards for sometime early next year, AMD has stepped up with the first DisplayPort-enabled graphics card to hit our test labs.
We've got an RV635 XT board here and have been testing it out on an unreleased LCD panel that we'll be showing you in the coming weeks. On the board you'll note that the surrounding circuitry for each DisplayPort connection is minimal and devoid of those all-too familiar Silicon Image TMDS chips that add cost to any dual link DVI-D connection. Since each DisplayPort cable can run multiple monitors in a daisy-chain configuration, imagine a four panel setup from a single graphics card and even possibly a single cable connection. We'll have more to come on the LCD side of the equation, soon.[/QUOTE]