GIGABYTE X99-SLI nebootuje
věděl by někdo poradit proč nová deska GIGABYTE X99-SLI po zapojení nebootuje?
vše jsem zkontroloval 3x pro jistotu znovu rozebral a sestavil a deska jen blikne diodami kolem audia a ihned se dokola stále restartuji
Nepomohl ani Q flash, neboť USB nenačte
Resetuje se tak rychle že ani nepípne a nenaběhne ani obrazovka. Procesor i7 6880k. Zkoušel jsem to i s vyndaným procesorem a paměťmi a chová se to stále stejně. Nechce se mi to rovnou poslat zpět do ALZY a čekat dlouho. Je nějaká šance z tohoto chování zjistit kde je problém?
Nemá na to vliv ani přítomnost nebo nepřítomnost grafiky, či odpojení veškerých konektorů (kromě ATX napájení)
Je deska KO nebo ne?
vše jsem zkontroloval 3x pro jistotu znovu rozebral a sestavil a deska jen blikne diodami kolem audia a ihned se dokola stále restartuji
Nepomohl ani Q flash, neboť USB nenačte
Resetuje se tak rychle že ani nepípne a nenaběhne ani obrazovka. Procesor i7 6880k. Zkoušel jsem to i s vyndaným procesorem a paměťmi a chová se to stále stejně. Nechce se mi to rovnou poslat zpět do ALZY a čekat dlouho. Je nějaká šance z tohoto chování zjistit kde je problém?
Nemá na to vliv ani přítomnost nebo nepřítomnost grafiky, či odpojení veškerých konektorů (kromě ATX napájení)
Je deska KO nebo ne?
Provozovat základní desku bez procesoru je jako snažit se nastartovat auto bez motoru. Zapoj jen to nejdůležitější pro běh počítače (procesor, jeden modul RAM, graf. kartu, zdroj) a zkus počítač zapnout. Modul operační paměti můžeš vyzkoušet v různých slotech. Poté také zkus jiný zdroj, zda-li není špatný.
To jsem samozřejmě udělal. Procesor je nový a zdroj je OK neboť na starší desce gigabite vše funguje. Zkoušel jsem dát i jen jeden nebo druhý modul DDR4 ( i do jiných pozic než píše návod) a žádná změna. Neustálý boot loop. Nepomohl ani clear CMOS
tak jsem možná našel řešení - jdu to vyzkoušet:
Here is the Fix for all of you having issues with your X99 Gigabyte board that are having a Boot loop and the motherboard just doesn't post (this fix will only work if the pins on your board aren't actually bent.)
So the issue you are having is most likely a factory installed defective Bios and to fix this is relatively simple.
all you need to do is first start by Removing all the ram off your motherboard. With another computer download the latest BIOS revision for your motherboard from gigabyte's website (you may have to unzip the file first), then rename that bios file GIGABYTE.BIN. Format a flash drive to fat32 (if it isn't already) and throw ONLY that file onto the flash drive. With the ram still off the motherboard and the computer off, stick in the flash drive with the Bios file on it into the White USB port, and turn the computer on. On the back of the motherboard you will see your flash drive (if it has a light) and an orange LED on the motherboard start flashing. Once you see the flashing stop and it becomes a solid, turn the computer back off (you may have to hold the power button for 10 seconds) remove the flash drive, and install only 1 stick of ram (for now) and then turn the computer back on from this point your computer should actually give you a display and should finally be working.
I work at a Microcenter, and had a customer come in with the same issue and spent an hour and a half trying to figure this out.
The Bios refused to actually install without having the RAM removed from the system. So that is key
1. Turn off the computer and remove all RAM DIMMS from the motherboard
2. Using another computer download the latest Bios from gigabyte's website for your motherboard
3. Rename the Bios file GIGABYTE.BIN and put it on a clean flash drive with no other files on it.
4. Put flash drive into the White USB port on the back of the motherboard, and turn the computer on
5. Wait for the flashing lights to stop (USB and Motherboard LED)
6. Turn off the system (May have to hold power button for 10 seconds)
7. Remove the flash drive.
8. Install only ONE RAM DIMM for now and turn the computer back on.
9. Enjoy your functional computer.
Here is the Fix for all of you having issues with your X99 Gigabyte board that are having a Boot loop and the motherboard just doesn't post (this fix will only work if the pins on your board aren't actually bent.)
So the issue you are having is most likely a factory installed defective Bios and to fix this is relatively simple.
all you need to do is first start by Removing all the ram off your motherboard. With another computer download the latest BIOS revision for your motherboard from gigabyte's website (you may have to unzip the file first), then rename that bios file GIGABYTE.BIN. Format a flash drive to fat32 (if it isn't already) and throw ONLY that file onto the flash drive. With the ram still off the motherboard and the computer off, stick in the flash drive with the Bios file on it into the White USB port, and turn the computer on. On the back of the motherboard you will see your flash drive (if it has a light) and an orange LED on the motherboard start flashing. Once you see the flashing stop and it becomes a solid, turn the computer back off (you may have to hold the power button for 10 seconds) remove the flash drive, and install only 1 stick of ram (for now) and then turn the computer back on from this point your computer should actually give you a display and should finally be working.
I work at a Microcenter, and had a customer come in with the same issue and spent an hour and a half trying to figure this out.
The Bios refused to actually install without having the RAM removed from the system. So that is key
1. Turn off the computer and remove all RAM DIMMS from the motherboard
2. Using another computer download the latest Bios from gigabyte's website for your motherboard
3. Rename the Bios file GIGABYTE.BIN and put it on a clean flash drive with no other files on it.
4. Put flash drive into the White USB port on the back of the motherboard, and turn the computer on
5. Wait for the flashing lights to stop (USB and Motherboard LED)
6. Turn off the system (May have to hold power button for 10 seconds)
7. Remove the flash drive.
8. Install only ONE RAM DIMM for now and turn the computer back on.
9. Enjoy your functional computer.