Novinky u AMD
Srovnavaci minitest Phenom x4 9000 (2000Mhz) vs top produkt AMD Athlon x2 6400+ 3200Mhz
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viz priloha !!
Ty výsledky odpovídají tomu, že je PCMark 05 jednovláknová aplikace.
Zde je vidět, že K10 ztrácí 60% frekvence, ale výsledky jsou jen o +/- 11% slabší.
Takže hodně slušné
Zde je vidět, že K10 ztrácí 60% frekvence, ale výsledky jsou jen o +/- 11% slabší.
Takže hodně slušné
Jaj to ešte nič neni, čo som mal možnosť si prečítať o K10 , jej funkciách a schopnostiach tak my slinky tiekli :) Zatiaľ tie testy K10 sú preto také biedne lebo ju pustili na starých čipsetoch, ale keď sa použije novy 790 s dotiahnutými ovládačmi, tak to bude iná káva. Len tak čo my ostalo v pamäti čo využije noví čipset 790, L3 cache, vypínanie jadier schopnosť za chodu pretaktovať jedného jadra pri jednovlaknovej aplikácii a ostatne ak ich nieje treba vypnuť,HT bus na 4,2GHz, premakaná virtualizacia, integrovaný radič DDR2 1200MHz CL2 ( neoficiálne zatiaľ vypnutý integrovaný radič pre DDR3) len to prekliatie AMD a to sú ovládače. Je pravda že AMD bude pomalšie ako najvykonejšie procesory intelu ale nie o veľa :) a hlavne s cenou 5-8 tisíc :) no už sa teším :)
[QUOTE=tgfh;58997]Ty výsledky odpovídají tomu, že je PCMark 05 jednovláknová aplikace.
Zde je vidět, že K10 ztrácí 60% frekvence, ale výsledky jsou jen o +/- 11% slabší.
Takže hodně slušné[/QUOTE]
Však AMD jasne hovori že ich nove K10 budu rychlejšie od starej K8 o 40%
Zde je vidět, že K10 ztrácí 60% frekvence, ale výsledky jsou jen o +/- 11% slabší.
Takže hodně slušné[/QUOTE]
Však AMD jasne hovori že ich nove K10 budu rychlejšie od starej K8 o 40%
19. listopad společně s HD3870 tuším, dostupnost později začátkem prosince, někdo říký že vyjdou verze 2,3GHz a 2,5GHz, někdo že 2,2, 2,4 a 2,6GHz... těžko říct
[QUOTE=Smeli;59408]19. listopad společně s HD3870 tuším, dostupnost později začátkem prosince, někdo říký že vyjdou verze 2,3GHz a 2,5GHz, někdo že 2,2, 2,4 a 2,6GHz... těžko říct[/QUOTE]
tak to je super,prave sem se ted nikde nedocet,kdy maj vyjit novy Radeony a jestli to je takhle brzo,tak to je fakt hodne dobre uz se tesim
tak to je super,prave sem se ted nikde nedocet,kdy maj vyjit novy Radeony a jestli to je takhle brzo,tak to je fakt hodne dobre uz se tesim
Mam dojem,ze maji vyjit 3 procesory o frekvencich 2,2 2,3 a 2,4Ghz....Ale budou pomerne drahe :(...Kolem 4-5500Kc odhad.I kdyz na 4-jadro je to dobra cena :)
[QUOTE=flanker;59666]Mam dojem,ze maji vyjit 3 procesory o frekvencich 2,2 2,3 a 2,4Ghz....Ale budou pomerne drahe :(...Kolem 4-5500Kc odhad.I kdyz na 4-jadro je to dobra cena :)[/QUOTE]

Edit: další šop s retail Phenomem X4: http://www.isorm.com/index.php?cPath=91_97_235&osCsid=250753f0ea11efbaacb201a0bfd5bbf6

Edit: další šop s retail Phenomem X4: http://www.isorm.com/index.php?cPath=91_97_235&osCsid=250753f0ea11efbaacb201a0bfd5bbf6
[QUOTE=Smeli;60470]Dopolední zprávy:
Expreview nás opět zásobí tímtéž, jako by průběžně doplňovali, tentokrát je to několik CPU vs. 3D Mark 06:
Stále stejné časování a frekvece v neprospěch Phenomu X4 (na desce s čipsetem RD790) - údajně špatná detekce časování by CPU-Z, frekvence je správně.[/QUOTE]
Uz jsem take videl. Spis by me ovsem zajima nejakej Cinebench a Sisoft Sandra 2007. Ale i tak jde videt,ze vykon bude velice obstojny, spis jde o to, jak budou vyuzita vsechny 4 jadra, tam by mela byt jeho sila.
Expreview nás opět zásobí tímtéž, jako by průběžně doplňovali, tentokrát je to několik CPU vs. 3D Mark 06:
Stále stejné časování a frekvece v neprospěch Phenomu X4 (na desce s čipsetem RD790) - údajně špatná detekce časování by CPU-Z, frekvence je správně.[/QUOTE]
Uz jsem take videl. Spis by me ovsem zajima nejakej Cinebench a Sisoft Sandra 2007. Ale i tak jde videt,ze vykon bude velice obstojny, spis jde o to, jak budou vyuzita vsechny 4 jadra, tam by mela byt jeho sila.
Já nevím, moc tomuhle nevěřím, přesi jen jde o ES. Těhle 14 dní plných očekávání, ale tak už to hold bývá... I když je výkon obstojný pořád to není to, co AMD slibovalo a o to mi teď jde - takže jsem zvědav.
ja by som sa tými testami nejak netrapil. Osobne si myslim ze su dost zavadzajuce, obzvlast tie na Expreview...Ja AMDcku celkom verim a myslim ze je zbytocne sa teraz obavat, ze Phenomy nebudu az tak vykonne procesory ako mali byt....Podla mna to AMD tentokrat Intelu celkom natre :)
AMD unable to introduce 2.6GHz Phenom CPU by 2008 on barriers over 65nm conversion
[QUOTE=digitimes.com]Amid stiff barriers from 90nm and 65nm conversion, sources at Taiwan motherboard makers do not expect AMD to roll out the highest frequency 2.6GHz version of its new quad-core Phenom CPU family before 2008.
AMD declined to comment on the speculation, saying that it cannot reveal details about the upcoming Phenom launch.
The sources noted that AMD will only introduce two Phenom CPU at the November 19 launch, the 2.2GHz 9500 and 2.3GHz 9600 models. A 2.4GHz 9700 model is expected to launch during December, but a 2.6GHz one will not be introduced until 2008, they noted.
While expressing satisfaction about the new 65nm desktop CPU lineup, the motherboard makers explained the key reason for AMD failing to meet its roadmap on the launch of a 2.6GHz Phenom is because of barriers relating to conversion to 65nm.
However, the sources highlighted the competitive pricing that AMD is planning to offer. Prices for the 9500 and 9600 CPUs may be as low as US$250 and US$270 for some channels and OEMs, while the officially announced prices will be US$280 and US$320. The 9700 processor will be priced at around US$300, the sources added.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=digitimes.com]Amid stiff barriers from 90nm and 65nm conversion, sources at Taiwan motherboard makers do not expect AMD to roll out the highest frequency 2.6GHz version of its new quad-core Phenom CPU family before 2008.
AMD declined to comment on the speculation, saying that it cannot reveal details about the upcoming Phenom launch.
The sources noted that AMD will only introduce two Phenom CPU at the November 19 launch, the 2.2GHz 9500 and 2.3GHz 9600 models. A 2.4GHz 9700 model is expected to launch during December, but a 2.6GHz one will not be introduced until 2008, they noted.
While expressing satisfaction about the new 65nm desktop CPU lineup, the motherboard makers explained the key reason for AMD failing to meet its roadmap on the launch of a 2.6GHz Phenom is because of barriers relating to conversion to 65nm.
However, the sources highlighted the competitive pricing that AMD is planning to offer. Prices for the 9500 and 9600 CPUs may be as low as US$250 and US$270 for some channels and OEMs, while the officially announced prices will be US$280 and US$320. The 9700 processor will be priced at around US$300, the sources added.[/QUOTE]
Deska od Sapphiru s čipsetem RD790FX

[QUOTE=tcmagazine.com]Sapphire may not be best known for its mainboard business but that doesn't stop them from coming up with their own offers, like AMD 790FX boards for example. On November 19th when AMD will officially release the Spider platform you can expect loads of manufacturers to have boards powered by the AMD 790FX, 790X and 770 chipsets and Sapphire will be one of them. The highest-end Phenom-ready product from Sapphire will be the 790FX-powered CrossFireX PC-AM2RD790.
The upcoming motherboard will support both AM2 and AM2+ CPUs, will have DDR2-1066 support, six SATA 3.0Gbps ports and 'only' three PCI-Express 2.0 x16 slots thus making it incapable off Quad-Crossfire setups (but two/three cards should work just fine).
For the AM2RD790 Sapphire didn't touch any copper piece and has equipped the board with an aluminum cooling system, complete with the ever-popular heatpipes. The backplate of Sapphire's board features two Gigabit Ethernet ports and six lovely USB 2.0 ports but interestingly-enough, no audio connectors which will probably me found on a separate PCI plate. Sapphire's board is now ready (they'll just have to erase the "LanParty") and will become available by the end of the month.[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=tcmagazine.com]Sapphire may not be best known for its mainboard business but that doesn't stop them from coming up with their own offers, like AMD 790FX boards for example. On November 19th when AMD will officially release the Spider platform you can expect loads of manufacturers to have boards powered by the AMD 790FX, 790X and 770 chipsets and Sapphire will be one of them. The highest-end Phenom-ready product from Sapphire will be the 790FX-powered CrossFireX PC-AM2RD790.
The upcoming motherboard will support both AM2 and AM2+ CPUs, will have DDR2-1066 support, six SATA 3.0Gbps ports and 'only' three PCI-Express 2.0 x16 slots thus making it incapable off Quad-Crossfire setups (but two/three cards should work just fine).
For the AM2RD790 Sapphire didn't touch any copper piece and has equipped the board with an aluminum cooling system, complete with the ever-popular heatpipes. The backplate of Sapphire's board features two Gigabit Ethernet ports and six lovely USB 2.0 ports but interestingly-enough, no audio connectors which will probably me found on a separate PCI plate. Sapphire's board is now ready (they'll just have to erase the "LanParty") and will become available by the end of the month.[/QUOTE]
vypada nadherne:) jen kdyby se to tak u nas dalo sehnat...
ten chladic co je pres pul I/O panelu ma nejakou podezdrelou pozici na heatpipe:) urcite tam bude nejake dalsi chladic mimo case:)
ten chladic co je pres pul I/O panelu ma nejakou podezdrelou pozici na heatpipe:) urcite tam bude nejake dalsi chladic mimo case:)
[QUOTE=mech13;61231]vypada nadherne:) jen kdyby se to tak u nas dalo sehnat...
ten chladic co je pres pul I/O panelu ma nejakou podezdrelou pozici na heatpipe:) urcite tam bude nejake dalsi chladic mimo case:)[/QUOTE]
Mě štve že se k nám nedostali desky pro mainstream a high end od Sapphiru, krásné bílé PCB :inlove:inlove:inlove
ten chladic co je pres pul I/O panelu ma nejakou podezdrelou pozici na heatpipe:) urcite tam bude nejake dalsi chladic mimo case:)[/QUOTE]
Mě štve že se k nám nedostali desky pro mainstream a high end od Sapphiru, krásné bílé PCB :inlove:inlove:inlove
Myslíš tuto:
Pekna deska, sna tentokrat s deskami Spahire to bude lepsi a budou bezne dostupne...Treba v alfacomputers, kde maji dostatek Saphire karet, tak snad zavedou i desky :). Mozna zkusim pozjistit :)
Hlavně je ale musí mít distributor, což např. u 100megy sem viděl jen tu na s čipsetem 690 (tuším boboco ji recenzoval), ale ostatní sem dostupné v žádném shopu neviděl (a to sme ji hledal teda vehementně)
Referenční design pro AM3 desky:
[odkaz, pro zobrazení se přihlaste]
[odkaz, pro zobrazení se přihlaste]
[QUOTE=Smeli;61479]Referenční design pro AM3 desky:[/QUOTE]
Uf uf co to má být...? 14 USB :eek: nikdá sem nepoužil víc jak dvě, ani sem to snad nikdy nikde použitý neviděl...navíc proč vlastně vznikla ta myšlenka se sériovým zapojením až 127 zařízení, když stejně je tu odjakživa trend čím víc tím líp, ačkoliv je to nevyužitelný...? :eek: Jinak to vypadá dobře...jo, není tam někde zmínka kolik teda bude přesně těch PCIe linek...? Nějak se nemůžu dopočítat :runaway
Uf uf co to má být...? 14 USB :eek: nikdá sem nepoužil víc jak dvě, ani sem to snad nikdy nikde použitý neviděl...navíc proč vlastně vznikla ta myšlenka se sériovým zapojením až 127 zařízení, když stejně je tu odjakživa trend čím víc tím líp, ačkoliv je to nevyužitelný...? :eek: Jinak to vypadá dobře...jo, není tam někde zmínka kolik teda bude přesně těch PCIe linek...? Nějak se nemůžu dopočítat :runaway
[QUOTE=Pavel Boček;61486]Uf uf co to má být...? 14 USB :eek: nikdá sem nepoužil víc jak dvě, ani sem to snad nikdy nikde použitý neviděl...[/QUOTE]
To, ze jsi je nepouzil ty neznamena, ze vic jak 2 USB nepouziva nikdo jinej :eek:. Ja jich mam 8 a mam pomalicku problem hledat novy, kdyz si domu prinesu nejaky dalsi zarizeni (staci nejaky externi disky + mys + klavesnice + modem + tiskarna +...) a potom se blbe nejaky volny USB hleda...
To, ze jsi je nepouzil ty neznamena, ze vic jak 2 USB nepouziva nikdo jinej :eek:. Ja jich mam 8 a mam pomalicku problem hledat novy, kdyz si domu prinesu nejaky dalsi zarizeni (staci nejaky externi disky + mys + klavesnice + modem + tiskarna +...) a potom se blbe nejaky volny USB hleda...
Je to tak usb vladne svetem .. ja jsem zvyklej mit jeste minimalne dva vyvody pres prodluzku na stul v jedny mivam vetsinou modrozub kvuli synchonizaci a do druhe cpu disk nebo klicenku .. jinak dalsi usb doma mys .. napajeni k HP barracuda headsetu .. tiskarna . to mas hned 5 jen to hvizdne
pripadne davam odkaz na utilitu amd overdrive:
[QUOTE="Fudzilla"]DAAMIT decided to completely change the branding. What used to be silver coloured will be black from now on and we believe it looks better in black. It has some extrude but it looks much like the ATI logo before.
Crossfire orphan logo gets its own squared logo but from tomorrow on Crossfire will be branded as Crossfire X as it supports two, three and four cards.
Crossfire certified funny shaped logo will get its Squared CrossfireX certified and Crossfire logo will be known as Crossfire Technology.
Thank you AMD, for making these logos much more convenient for us, as they just fit much better if they are squared. Here they are, below.[/QUOTE]

Crossfire orphan logo gets its own squared logo but from tomorrow on Crossfire will be branded as Crossfire X as it supports two, three and four cards.
Crossfire certified funny shaped logo will get its Squared CrossfireX certified and Crossfire logo will be known as Crossfire Technology.
Thank you AMD, for making these logos much more convenient for us, as they just fit much better if they are squared. Here they are, below.[/QUOTE]

Dnes se objevily dalsi testy Phenomu,ovsem nemely by se brat natolik vazne,nebot se jedna o revize B2, aktualni revize jsou B3F a ty by mely jit do prodeje /doufejme!/. B2 je zhruba z dubna-kvetna, pak byla B3-zlepsila hlavne taktovani a po jeste nejakych chybach s radicem s predchozich revizi prisla B3F.

viz http://www.tomshardware.com/2007/11/19/the_spider_weaves_its_web/page2.html

viz http://www.tomshardware.com/2007/11/19/the_spider_weaves_its_web/page2.html
A já bych zase řekl že teď máme B2 :) BF3 je pokročilejší, s tou to dává přes 3 GHz a přijde v lednu.
[QUOTE="Fudzilla"][SIZE="1"]We had a chance to play with one of the world’s first Phenom 9700 processors. As we said earlier, AMD will launch the 2.2 GHz Phenom 9500 and the 2.3GHz Phenom 9600 CPUs, but we got our hands on unlocked 2.4GHz. Yeah, that is the one that got postponed to 2008.
Phenom 9500 and 9700 bring some R300 memories back, and remind us of Uwe’s Radeon 9700 launch with the live guns playing Half Life 2 in Munich.
Anyway, after more than six months of delays and serious problems, we had a chance to see a Phenom in action. Overall it looks good, not great, it has to be faster.
Naturally we tried to overclock the 2.4GHz part and AMD let us do only selected application benchmarketing, obviously the ones that make them look good. This is not the way to make any big conclusion, but the machine at 2.4GHz runs good with 3Dmark06, Call or Juarez benchmark, can do some serious encoding and zipping, but we had very few numbers that were close to the testing that we do and understand.
A few years ago we found that if you can get a CPU to run 3Dmark06 stable, it will be stable in just about anything. We managed to overclock it instantly to 2.8 GHz and we even did some independent core overclocking, where two were working at 2.4GHz and two 2.8 GHz and again we gain a lot, but more about this one later.
Phenom 9700 2.4GHz runs at 1.25V and if you want it stable at 2.8 and 2.915, which was our absolute record, you need between 1.35 and 1.425V. We managed to boot at 3015GHz but we never made it stable. We also learned that MSI's 790FX board might be a better overclocker so as soon as we get Phenom 2.4GHz or faster, unlocked we will continue to play with it.
Phenom 2.915MHz was almost stable but it tends to crash in the final snow test. If we had more time this we would have probably made this clock possible too. Our Finnish colleagues managed to get it stable at 3.0GHz, but it all depends on the sample you got and obviously they are far more experienced in this, as Sampsa and Markus are holding some top scores in 3Dmark06 on some insanely fast machines.
We did most of the overclocking in Overdrive, the application itself needs some tweaking but it works great. When we tried to overclock the HT, we did it in Bios but we could not go over 215MHz, at least not with 12 -13 multiplier. AMD also supports 0.5 steps which make it even easier to overclock.
On a non-overclcoked Phenom 2.4 you score about 1200 in 3Dmark06, while with 2.8GHz you can increase the Crossfire 2x 3850 performance which is not bad. We need a CPU and more time to tell you more. Here is what we got.[/SIZE][/QUOTE]

A já bych zase řekl že teď máme B2 :) BF3 je pokročilejší, s tou to dává přes 3 GHz a přijde v lednu.
[QUOTE="Fudzilla"][SIZE="1"]We had a chance to play with one of the world’s first Phenom 9700 processors. As we said earlier, AMD will launch the 2.2 GHz Phenom 9500 and the 2.3GHz Phenom 9600 CPUs, but we got our hands on unlocked 2.4GHz. Yeah, that is the one that got postponed to 2008.
Phenom 9500 and 9700 bring some R300 memories back, and remind us of Uwe’s Radeon 9700 launch with the live guns playing Half Life 2 in Munich.
Anyway, after more than six months of delays and serious problems, we had a chance to see a Phenom in action. Overall it looks good, not great, it has to be faster.
Naturally we tried to overclock the 2.4GHz part and AMD let us do only selected application benchmarketing, obviously the ones that make them look good. This is not the way to make any big conclusion, but the machine at 2.4GHz runs good with 3Dmark06, Call or Juarez benchmark, can do some serious encoding and zipping, but we had very few numbers that were close to the testing that we do and understand.
A few years ago we found that if you can get a CPU to run 3Dmark06 stable, it will be stable in just about anything. We managed to overclock it instantly to 2.8 GHz and we even did some independent core overclocking, where two were working at 2.4GHz and two 2.8 GHz and again we gain a lot, but more about this one later.
Phenom 9700 2.4GHz runs at 1.25V and if you want it stable at 2.8 and 2.915, which was our absolute record, you need between 1.35 and 1.425V. We managed to boot at 3015GHz but we never made it stable. We also learned that MSI's 790FX board might be a better overclocker so as soon as we get Phenom 2.4GHz or faster, unlocked we will continue to play with it.
Phenom 2.915MHz was almost stable but it tends to crash in the final snow test. If we had more time this we would have probably made this clock possible too. Our Finnish colleagues managed to get it stable at 3.0GHz, but it all depends on the sample you got and obviously they are far more experienced in this, as Sampsa and Markus are holding some top scores in 3Dmark06 on some insanely fast machines.
We did most of the overclocking in Overdrive, the application itself needs some tweaking but it works great. When we tried to overclock the HT, we did it in Bios but we could not go over 215MHz, at least not with 12 -13 multiplier. AMD also supports 0.5 steps which make it even easier to overclock.
On a non-overclcoked Phenom 2.4 you score about 1200 in 3Dmark06, while with 2.8GHz you can increase the Crossfire 2x 3850 performance which is not bad. We need a CPU and more time to tell you more. Here is what we got.[/SIZE][/QUOTE]

Ten cooler nevypadá moc khůl... chjo, trochu inovace do toho umírání :D
Ten cooler nevypadá moc khůl... chjo, trochu inovace do toho umírání :D
[QUOTE="The Inquirer"][SIZE="4"]Abu Dhabi to buy nine per cent of AMD[/SIZE]
Arabian Micro Devices
AMD IS TO flog off nine per cent of itself to Abu Dhabi.
The deal will cost the country around $700 million "people close to the situation" apparently told the Financial Times.
The acquisition would go through the Mubadala Development Company which is a front for the Government of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, which in the United Arab Emirates.
The deal may yet be scuppered by the American Committee on Foreign Investment in the US which may find the fact that an Arab state owns part of the largely US chip company objectionable.
AMD could do with the dosh, however. Last night, the firm said in a regulatory filing that it was considering the sale of up to $700 million in common stock in order to reduce its debt mountain which stands at something in the region of $5.3 billion.
AMD said it would prefer us not to call it Arabian Micro Devices*.[/QUOTE]
[odkaz, pro zobrazení se přihlaste]
Arabian Micro Devices
AMD IS TO flog off nine per cent of itself to Abu Dhabi.
The deal will cost the country around $700 million "people close to the situation" apparently told the Financial Times.
The acquisition would go through the Mubadala Development Company which is a front for the Government of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, which in the United Arab Emirates.
The deal may yet be scuppered by the American Committee on Foreign Investment in the US which may find the fact that an Arab state owns part of the largely US chip company objectionable.
AMD could do with the dosh, however. Last night, the firm said in a regulatory filing that it was considering the sale of up to $700 million in common stock in order to reduce its debt mountain which stands at something in the region of $5.3 billion.
AMD said it would prefer us not to call it Arabian Micro Devices*.[/QUOTE]
[odkaz, pro zobrazení se přihlaste]
Že by se konečně začlo něco řešit?
AMD grooms Meyer to replace Ruiz
[QUOTE]Advanced Micro Devices Inc. said it is grooming president and chief operating officer Dirk Meyer to take over as top executive at the microprocessor supplier although current chairman and CEO Hector Ruiz has no immediate plans to step down, according to news reports.
Responding to questions on a European business news channel, Ruiz said he expects to remain at the head of the company throughout 2008 and did not disclose when he might hand over to Meyer.
"We started doing [the succession planning] four years ago and I'm delighted that Dirk is a strong player," Ruiz reportedly told CNBC Europe. "When the time comes for me to hand the reins over to him, it's going to be fantastic."
Meyer has been with AMD for 12 years and prior to his appointment as COO and president, managed the company's microprocessor solutions business. He previously worked at Digital Equipment Corp. and Intel Corp.[/QUOTE]
AMD grooms Meyer to replace Ruiz
[QUOTE]Advanced Micro Devices Inc. said it is grooming president and chief operating officer Dirk Meyer to take over as top executive at the microprocessor supplier although current chairman and CEO Hector Ruiz has no immediate plans to step down, according to news reports.
Responding to questions on a European business news channel, Ruiz said he expects to remain at the head of the company throughout 2008 and did not disclose when he might hand over to Meyer.
"We started doing [the succession planning] four years ago and I'm delighted that Dirk is a strong player," Ruiz reportedly told CNBC Europe. "When the time comes for me to hand the reins over to him, it's going to be fantastic."
Meyer has been with AMD for 12 years and prior to his appointment as COO and president, managed the company's microprocessor solutions business. He previously worked at Digital Equipment Corp. and Intel Corp.[/QUOTE]
ono ten je nejaka konference ne?Nebo v blizkych dnech,tak snad se dozvime vice :).Meli by tam ukazat i B3 revizy uz...
AMD Humbles Itself Before Wall Street, Adds Roadmap Details
[QUOTE]AMD executives fell all over themselves apologizing for the chip maker's 2007 performance at its annual analyst meeting Thursday, and promised the company would return to form in 2008.
AMD executives confirmed that the company would launch a revamped version of its "Barcelona" quad-core processor in the first quarter, following the discovery of a bug this month. But shipments of its desktop quad-core Phenom chips will continue, paired with a BIOS fix that the company issued to OEMs at its launch.
AMD also said that it will launch "Montreal," a quad-core server processor, in 2009, accompanying its first server platform, which the company code-named "Piranha". That year will also see the launch of what AMD now calls its "accelerated processing units," or what the company previously called its "Fusion" processors. These cores will pair one or more CPUs with one or more GPUs, adding a new wrinkle to the company's product line. The first of these chips, called "Swift," will be part of the "Shrike" notebook platform scheduled for the second half of 2009.
Rick Bergman, AMD's senior vice president and GM of its graphics group, confirmed that AMD will launch both the RV620 low-end GPU and RV635 mainstream graphics chip in January. Bergman also confirmed that future AMD integrated GPUs will be able to work with AMD-branded graphics cards in tandem, producing a sort of poor man's dual-GPU setup that AMD calls "hybrid graphics". He declined to confirm which cards and chipsets would be hybrid-enabled.
Scheduling, however, was AMD's downfall in 2007, and executives reiterated how sorry they all were for missing opportunities, especially in the quad-core market. AMD nevertheless shipped tens of thousands of quad-core units in the third quarter, hundreds of thousands of quad-core processors in the fourth quarter and at least twice the fourth-quarter amount in the first quarter of 2008, said Mario Rivas, executive vice president of the Computing Products Group. Those numbers represent about a 3:1 ratio of the Phenom to Barcelona chips, he said. The Barcelona chip is still shipping to selected customers; samples of fixed Barcelonas will ship in January, and will ramp at the end of the first quarter.
"We blew it, and we're very humbled by it, and we're going to learn from it, and we're not going to do it again," said Hector Ruiz, AMD's chairman and chief executive officer.
AMD's 2007 recap went something like this: following the company's acquisition of ATI last fall, AMD lost immediate, significant share in the channel. The company recovered, but was late with the HD2000 series. At the same time, the company was unable to get the Barcelona and Phenom products out in time to compete with Intel's well-received Core 2 Quad products. In the mobile space, the company's exclusive ties with Motorola soured when Motorola's share itself declined; as chief financial officer Bob Rivet put it, "the patient got sick and we went to the hospital."
In short, AMD will lose money across all of its business units for the year, Rivet said, who called AMD's cash flow "totally unacceptable".
The lack of profits and lower revenues have had an effect on AMD, which has shifted toward an "asset lite" or "asset smart" strategy which has emphasized partnering with companies like IBM for research and development, with fabs like Chartered Semicondutor to serve as a safety valve for additional manufacturing, if needed. AMD's Fab 36 In Dresden is in 65-nm production, and shifting to 45-nm production in the first half of 2008. The complementary Fab 38 will be up and running in 2009, and a "bump and test" supplementary facility is also in place, executives said. AMD estimated that its "sellable" MPU die output would be about 90 million units in 2007, climbing to just upwards of 100 million units for 2008, according to Doug Grose, the company's senior vice president of manufacturing.
The "asset smart" strategy means that the money AMD spends on capital expenses – one of the largest line items on a company's balance sheet – will decrease for the second straight year, saving the company money. AMD estimates its 2008 capex costs will be $1.10 billion, down from $1.86 billion in 2006 and from $1.7 billion in 2007.
AMD executives said they hope to follow the example of Bergman's graphics division, which rebounded from a tough first quarter with an "action plan" to regain AMD's trust among its channel partners. AMD and its partner, TSMC, successfully transitioned its GPU line onto the finer 55-nm process, which will be the foundation of both the RV620 and the RV635. There is positive news in the consumer segment, too; ATI was named as a partner of Samsung for its 120-Hz LCD TVs, a technology which smooths motion artifacts.
In the mobile graphics segment, AMD expects to launch the M8X in the spring, a Direct X 10.1 part with the capability for HD Decoding and PowerPlay, which manages the power efficiency of the notebook. More importantly, that chip began sampling in the summer, allowing notebook manufacturers to build it into their 2008 designs. By its own estimates, AMD won 60 design wins in 2006; that number has increased to 100 in 2007, versus an estimated 80 for Intel, Bergman said.
"It is fully my expectation that ATI graphics will return to the top" of the graphics market after a one-year hiatus, Bergman said.[/QUOTE]
Doufejme, že se Bergmanovo přání naplní. Alespoň to .)
[QUOTE]AMD executives fell all over themselves apologizing for the chip maker's 2007 performance at its annual analyst meeting Thursday, and promised the company would return to form in 2008.
AMD executives confirmed that the company would launch a revamped version of its "Barcelona" quad-core processor in the first quarter, following the discovery of a bug this month. But shipments of its desktop quad-core Phenom chips will continue, paired with a BIOS fix that the company issued to OEMs at its launch.
AMD also said that it will launch "Montreal," a quad-core server processor, in 2009, accompanying its first server platform, which the company code-named "Piranha". That year will also see the launch of what AMD now calls its "accelerated processing units," or what the company previously called its "Fusion" processors. These cores will pair one or more CPUs with one or more GPUs, adding a new wrinkle to the company's product line. The first of these chips, called "Swift," will be part of the "Shrike" notebook platform scheduled for the second half of 2009.
Rick Bergman, AMD's senior vice president and GM of its graphics group, confirmed that AMD will launch both the RV620 low-end GPU and RV635 mainstream graphics chip in January. Bergman also confirmed that future AMD integrated GPUs will be able to work with AMD-branded graphics cards in tandem, producing a sort of poor man's dual-GPU setup that AMD calls "hybrid graphics". He declined to confirm which cards and chipsets would be hybrid-enabled.
Scheduling, however, was AMD's downfall in 2007, and executives reiterated how sorry they all were for missing opportunities, especially in the quad-core market. AMD nevertheless shipped tens of thousands of quad-core units in the third quarter, hundreds of thousands of quad-core processors in the fourth quarter and at least twice the fourth-quarter amount in the first quarter of 2008, said Mario Rivas, executive vice president of the Computing Products Group. Those numbers represent about a 3:1 ratio of the Phenom to Barcelona chips, he said. The Barcelona chip is still shipping to selected customers; samples of fixed Barcelonas will ship in January, and will ramp at the end of the first quarter.
"We blew it, and we're very humbled by it, and we're going to learn from it, and we're not going to do it again," said Hector Ruiz, AMD's chairman and chief executive officer.
AMD's 2007 recap went something like this: following the company's acquisition of ATI last fall, AMD lost immediate, significant share in the channel. The company recovered, but was late with the HD2000 series. At the same time, the company was unable to get the Barcelona and Phenom products out in time to compete with Intel's well-received Core 2 Quad products. In the mobile space, the company's exclusive ties with Motorola soured when Motorola's share itself declined; as chief financial officer Bob Rivet put it, "the patient got sick and we went to the hospital."
In short, AMD will lose money across all of its business units for the year, Rivet said, who called AMD's cash flow "totally unacceptable".
The lack of profits and lower revenues have had an effect on AMD, which has shifted toward an "asset lite" or "asset smart" strategy which has emphasized partnering with companies like IBM for research and development, with fabs like Chartered Semicondutor to serve as a safety valve for additional manufacturing, if needed. AMD's Fab 36 In Dresden is in 65-nm production, and shifting to 45-nm production in the first half of 2008. The complementary Fab 38 will be up and running in 2009, and a "bump and test" supplementary facility is also in place, executives said. AMD estimated that its "sellable" MPU die output would be about 90 million units in 2007, climbing to just upwards of 100 million units for 2008, according to Doug Grose, the company's senior vice president of manufacturing.
The "asset smart" strategy means that the money AMD spends on capital expenses – one of the largest line items on a company's balance sheet – will decrease for the second straight year, saving the company money. AMD estimates its 2008 capex costs will be $1.10 billion, down from $1.86 billion in 2006 and from $1.7 billion in 2007.
AMD executives said they hope to follow the example of Bergman's graphics division, which rebounded from a tough first quarter with an "action plan" to regain AMD's trust among its channel partners. AMD and its partner, TSMC, successfully transitioned its GPU line onto the finer 55-nm process, which will be the foundation of both the RV620 and the RV635. There is positive news in the consumer segment, too; ATI was named as a partner of Samsung for its 120-Hz LCD TVs, a technology which smooths motion artifacts.
In the mobile graphics segment, AMD expects to launch the M8X in the spring, a Direct X 10.1 part with the capability for HD Decoding and PowerPlay, which manages the power efficiency of the notebook. More importantly, that chip began sampling in the summer, allowing notebook manufacturers to build it into their 2008 designs. By its own estimates, AMD won 60 design wins in 2006; that number has increased to 100 in 2007, versus an estimated 80 for Intel, Bergman said.
"It is fully my expectation that ATI graphics will return to the top" of the graphics market after a one-year hiatus, Bergman said.[/QUOTE]
Doufejme, že se Bergmanovo přání naplní. Alespoň to .)
Jinak dalsi zpravou,co jsem vcera nasel na netu, uz se mi to bohuzel nechce hledat a dokazovat odkazem :D, je, ze se bude dale prodavat Athlon x2 64 vyrabeny 65nm vyrobou a nove revize.90nm by se vyrabet tedy nemela a jen doprodavat...Na novou revizy jsem osobne zvedavej,co prinese noveho..
Porovnani vykonnosti jednoho jadra Athlon 64 X2 vs Phenom X4, pekny testik..:
To co již víme je konečně oficiálně potvrzeno :)
AMD: Barcelona fixed, 45 nm to ramp in H2
[QUOTE]Sunnyvale (CA) – A clearly more upbeat AMD was able to report some positive news about its quad-core bug as well as the progress to roll out 45 nm processors.
AMD chief executive officer Hector Ruiz today told analysts that the company has fixed a bug that severely impacted the launch of the company’s Opteron and Phenom quad-core processors. According to Ruiz, the bug has been fixed and the fixed B3 stepping CPU “has left the fab”.
President Dirk Meyer said that the CPU is “running through the paces internally” at this time with engineering samples expected to be shipped to customers within “2 to 3 weeks”. Volume production is scheduled to begin “later in the quarter” and first systems with the fixed processors should become available late in Q1, Meyer said.
Production volume of Barcelona and Phenom quad-core will be about double of the “nearly 400,000 units” that were manufactured during Q4, CFO Bob Rivet noted. On the server side, AMD will focus to get “mid-band power, high volume” quad-core Opterons into the market with higher speeds, 2.5 GHz and above, being scheduled for a Q2 introduction. As previously reported, the higher speed Phenoms will also have to wait: AMD will roll out triple-core Phenoms and 65-watt (low power) quad-core CPUs during Q1. “Higher speeds will follow in Q2”, Meyer stated.
There also was some positive news on the company’s 45 nm progress. Ruiz said that AMD that 45 nm Opterons have been produced and he is “pleased” with the initial result. However, he said that the company is targeting a H2 ramp of the 45 nm generation, which indicates that AMD will miss the originally promised mid-2008 launch of the processors. This statement also contradicts Meyer’s statement from the Q3 2007 earnings call that AMD would begin ramping 45 nm CPUs in H1 2008.
A late 2008 launch of 45 nm processors appears to be more likely now, which means that the 1-year gap to Intel could remain in place and the company will not be able to gain ground on its rival in terms of the production process.[/QUOTE]
AMD: Barcelona fixed, 45 nm to ramp in H2
[QUOTE]Sunnyvale (CA) – A clearly more upbeat AMD was able to report some positive news about its quad-core bug as well as the progress to roll out 45 nm processors.
AMD chief executive officer Hector Ruiz today told analysts that the company has fixed a bug that severely impacted the launch of the company’s Opteron and Phenom quad-core processors. According to Ruiz, the bug has been fixed and the fixed B3 stepping CPU “has left the fab”.
President Dirk Meyer said that the CPU is “running through the paces internally” at this time with engineering samples expected to be shipped to customers within “2 to 3 weeks”. Volume production is scheduled to begin “later in the quarter” and first systems with the fixed processors should become available late in Q1, Meyer said.
Production volume of Barcelona and Phenom quad-core will be about double of the “nearly 400,000 units” that were manufactured during Q4, CFO Bob Rivet noted. On the server side, AMD will focus to get “mid-band power, high volume” quad-core Opterons into the market with higher speeds, 2.5 GHz and above, being scheduled for a Q2 introduction. As previously reported, the higher speed Phenoms will also have to wait: AMD will roll out triple-core Phenoms and 65-watt (low power) quad-core CPUs during Q1. “Higher speeds will follow in Q2”, Meyer stated.
There also was some positive news on the company’s 45 nm progress. Ruiz said that AMD that 45 nm Opterons have been produced and he is “pleased” with the initial result. However, he said that the company is targeting a H2 ramp of the 45 nm generation, which indicates that AMD will miss the originally promised mid-2008 launch of the processors. This statement also contradicts Meyer’s statement from the Q3 2007 earnings call that AMD would begin ramping 45 nm CPUs in H1 2008.
A late 2008 launch of 45 nm processors appears to be more likely now, which means that the 1-year gap to Intel could remain in place and the company will not be able to gain ground on its rival in terms of the production process.[/QUOTE]
IBM to take over AMD?[SIZE="1"] - odpověď níže[/SIZE]
[QUOTE]SAN FRANCISCO — Advanced Micro Devices shares rose as much as 8 percent Wednesday (Jan. 23) on speculation that the microchip maker might be bought by IBM, but analysts said the chances of an acquisition were slim.
"The takeover of AMD by IBM has been mentioned before and with AMD shares being so low, it might be a good time for IBM to acquire them," said William Lefkowitz, options strategist at brokerage firm vFinance Investments in New York.
IBM of Armonk, New York, has had a research and development expense-sharing agreement with AMD, and analysts have speculated that AMD might want to use IBM's East Fishkill, New York, chip-fabrication plant to build microprocessors.
An acquisition of AMD would be "a pretty low-probability event because IBM is moving away from hardware and manufacturing and moving to software and solutions," said Ashok Kumar, an analyst at CRT Capital Group. "I don't think IBM wants the bragging rights to go up against Intel."
"IBM buying AMD is a nonstarter," Kumar said. "There's no rationale for that. Investors would just pound IBM's stock."
IBM has been exiting computer hardware businesses to focus on higher-profit software and technology services tailored to clients.
An acquisition of AMD would "destroy shareholder value for IBM," Kumar said. "That argument is a nonstarter."ngthen their current partnership.
"A deal could see IBM's microelectronics division merge with AMD at some point, possibly in the near term," mergermarket.com correspondent David Zielenziger wrote, citing "industry sources."[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE]SAN FRANCISCO — Advanced Micro Devices shares rose as much as 8 percent Wednesday (Jan. 23) on speculation that the microchip maker might be bought by IBM, but analysts said the chances of an acquisition were slim.
"The takeover of AMD by IBM has been mentioned before and with AMD shares being so low, it might be a good time for IBM to acquire them," said William Lefkowitz, options strategist at brokerage firm vFinance Investments in New York.
IBM of Armonk, New York, has had a research and development expense-sharing agreement with AMD, and analysts have speculated that AMD might want to use IBM's East Fishkill, New York, chip-fabrication plant to build microprocessors.
An acquisition of AMD would be "a pretty low-probability event because IBM is moving away from hardware and manufacturing and moving to software and solutions," said Ashok Kumar, an analyst at CRT Capital Group. "I don't think IBM wants the bragging rights to go up against Intel."
"IBM buying AMD is a nonstarter," Kumar said. "There's no rationale for that. Investors would just pound IBM's stock."
IBM has been exiting computer hardware businesses to focus on higher-profit software and technology services tailored to clients.
An acquisition of AMD would "destroy shareholder value for IBM," Kumar said. "That argument is a nonstarter."ngthen their current partnership.
"A deal could see IBM's microelectronics division merge with AMD at some point, possibly in the near term," mergermarket.com correspondent David Zielenziger wrote, citing "industry sources."[/QUOTE]
První testík Phenom X3:
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[odkaz, pro zobrazení se přihlaste]
[odkaz, pro zobrazení se přihlaste]
AMD Phenom 8600
MSI K9A2 Platinum
G.skill ddr2-1066 1g*2
MSI 7900GS
TT 1000W
[SIZE="1"]Obrázky sem přebral od flankera z PCTf, snad se nebude zlobit[/SIZE] :)
[odkaz, pro zobrazení se přihlaste]
[odkaz, pro zobrazení se přihlaste]
[odkaz, pro zobrazení se přihlaste]
[odkaz, pro zobrazení se přihlaste]
[odkaz, pro zobrazení se přihlaste]
[odkaz, pro zobrazení se přihlaste]
[odkaz, pro zobrazení se přihlaste]
[odkaz, pro zobrazení se přihlaste]
[odkaz, pro zobrazení se přihlaste]
AMD Phenom 8600
MSI K9A2 Platinum
G.skill ddr2-1066 1g*2
MSI 7900GS
TT 1000W
[SIZE="1"]Obrázky sem přebral od flankera z PCTf, snad se nebude zlobit[/SIZE] :)