Novinky u AMD
aneb co prinese 45nm vyroba
aneb co prinese 45nm vyroba
in yesterday, some news expressed Dell future will continue and AMD cooperates , their center end commercial computer also will use AMD three nuclear processors. Its performance how? Actually we from present four nuclei Phenom performance also may guess correctly for 78 minute. Below is three nuclei Phenom reality machine test result, please click on the enlargement to watch.
novy rekord AMD overclocku na K8 x2 5000+ BE....A to sme si kdysi mysleli,ze nad 3GHz se s k8 nedostaneme :)...
[odkaz, pro zobrazení se přihlaste]
Athlon 64 and its dual-core siblings have never been able to reach higher than slightly north of 4.2GHz, no matter how cold you go. The reasons are several, but one of the main ones are the nasty cold-bugs that spawns from the manufacturing process. Some revisions aren't even capable of negative Celsius, while others can handle down to -80°C on a good day. When AMD decided to unleash the Black Edition series with the 6400+ and 5000+, AMD overclocking was reborn.
The coldbugs were still there, but now you could find people running Athlon 64 X2 processors at +3.5GHz with air cooling. That should be fast enough for almost anyone. For long FX-57 had held the crown, but then the results with AMD's new and unlocked Athlon 64 X2 6400+ Black Edition started to come in. New ground was broken, but not by much. The record climbed from 4.2GHz to 4.22, to 4.25 and then to 4.26. Minor improvements in others words.
On February 8 an overclocker called kris submitted a valid result of 4851MHz (15*323) with an Athlon 64 X2 5000+. This is quite an achievement and we decided to discuss the matter with CPU-ID before posting and according to them, the result seems genuine, but we will investigate it further. It's just way too good to be considered a record just yet. It's too good to be ignored as well.
According to the submission he used Abit AN-M2HD, based on the NVIDIA GeForce 7050 chipset, to reach this frequency. The AN-M2HD is a good board for overclocking, but we've never seen results like this with it. At the same time, he did not specify an e-mail for anyone to contact him, which makes it even more fishy. But until then, here's the screenshot.
novy rekord AMD overclocku na K8 x2 5000+ BE....A to sme si kdysi mysleli,ze nad 3GHz se s k8 nedostaneme :)...
[odkaz, pro zobrazení se přihlaste]
Athlon 64 and its dual-core siblings have never been able to reach higher than slightly north of 4.2GHz, no matter how cold you go. The reasons are several, but one of the main ones are the nasty cold-bugs that spawns from the manufacturing process. Some revisions aren't even capable of negative Celsius, while others can handle down to -80°C on a good day. When AMD decided to unleash the Black Edition series with the 6400+ and 5000+, AMD overclocking was reborn.
The coldbugs were still there, but now you could find people running Athlon 64 X2 processors at +3.5GHz with air cooling. That should be fast enough for almost anyone. For long FX-57 had held the crown, but then the results with AMD's new and unlocked Athlon 64 X2 6400+ Black Edition started to come in. New ground was broken, but not by much. The record climbed from 4.2GHz to 4.22, to 4.25 and then to 4.26. Minor improvements in others words.
On February 8 an overclocker called kris submitted a valid result of 4851MHz (15*323) with an Athlon 64 X2 5000+. This is quite an achievement and we decided to discuss the matter with CPU-ID before posting and according to them, the result seems genuine, but we will investigate it further. It's just way too good to be considered a record just yet. It's too good to be ignored as well.
According to the submission he used Abit AN-M2HD, based on the NVIDIA GeForce 7050 chipset, to reach this frequency. The AN-M2HD is a good board for overclocking, but we've never seen results like this with it. At the same time, he did not specify an e-mail for anyone to contact him, which makes it even more fishy. But until then, here's the screenshot.
Trijadrove K10 v minitestu:
Jak to bude vypadat s 4-jadry?Druhy polovina roku prinese Deneb a Propus jiz dva procesory 4-jadra na 45nm. Zajimavy bude dvoujadro s L3 cache Kuma.
[odkaz, pro zobrazení se přihlaste]
[odkaz, pro zobrazení se přihlaste]
A predpokladana TDP a quartal vydani
[odkaz, pro zobrazení se přihlaste]
[odkaz, pro zobrazení se přihlaste]
A predpokladana TDP a quartal vydani
test prichazejiciho Sempron dual core 2100+

cpu-z ho nerozlisi uplne spravne /4700+/, jinak l2 cache je oseknuta na polovinu od beznych Athlonu, ht je 800.

v prumeru vychazi cca jako konkurencni Celeron dual e1200, viz cely test
A jeste ejdna zajimavost ohledne new BIOSu a Phenomu u desky trid Gigabyte

Jak je videt, dosahlo se pri pomerne nizkem napeti obstojneho taktu...

cpu-z ho nerozlisi uplne spravne /4700+/, jinak l2 cache je oseknuta na polovinu od beznych Athlonu, ht je 800.

v prumeru vychazi cca jako konkurencni Celeron dual e1200, viz cely test
A jeste ejdna zajimavost ohledne new BIOSu a Phenomu u desky trid Gigabyte
Jak je videt, dosahlo se pri pomerne nizkem napeti obstojneho taktu...

procesor K10.5 na 45nm a 300mm wafer pod nim :)
Phenom 9100e jiz vyfocen
[odkaz, pro zobrazení se přihlaste]

specifikace procesoru jsou stejne jako u klasickych Phenomu, jen je snizeno TDP a frekvence bezi
"pouze" na 1.8GHz. Jiz v brzke dobe by se procesory mely objevit na trhu.
Patrick Moorehead, VP of Advanced Marketing at AMD, just said that there will be two clock speed increases in Phenoms. He wasn’t that specific about the speed jumps, but you can speculate that 2.4 and probably up to 2.6GHz will be the next step.
Both of these speed jumps are expected in the next two months, and all will take place before June. He also said that Puma, a notebook platform should launch at Computex.
Clocks higher than 2.6GHz will come in second half of 2008 with 45nm Deneb a part of the Stars 45nm core, but AMD or Kicking Pat didn’t talk about it.
Patrick Moorehaed just showcased an MSI notebook based on Puma. It works and it is in good shape. MSI will be launching Puma-based notebooks around Computex and AMD wanted to demonstrate that the marchitecture is the way it should be.
AMD also promises three to four times performance in graphics over the current notebook IGPs, but you should not be surprised as this platform is powered by a mobile 780G chipset.
AMD has high hopes and what Pat didn’t mention is the fact that many notebook manufacturers will do switchable graphics, where IGP will render in battery mode while discrete graphics will kick in on the the grid.
I guess we have been waiting for this for quite some time, at least on the graphics side, but the modified K8 Griffin doesn’t really sound like the greatest CPU for 2008.

We just witnessed that Puma will end up working with AMD Turion Ultra 64 bit, AMD Radeon Premium graphics and WiFi.
At least now we have some more details a of this interesting marchitecture, and as we said, it will launch around Computex, probably at Computex. Notebooks are getting more and more important and AMD knows it.
The company claims over 100 design wins and this sounds like a possible success story for AMD. AMD didn't do well in the notebook market, apart from the entry level, and we are sure that Puma has a chance to continue this success. Fighting Centrino is a tough task.
Our very well informed sources have confirmed that Deneb's core, Phenom / Opteron at 45nm with 6MB of L3 cache, can go over 3GHz. This is probably something that might save the day for AMD.
We had a chance to see the Phenom B3, and some limited samples are out there. AMD has showed it to its special customers and we had a chance to picture one of them.

Jedna se o informace dle webdeniku fudzilla http://www.fudzilla.com , takze je to takove vselijake :)...
Both of these speed jumps are expected in the next two months, and all will take place before June. He also said that Puma, a notebook platform should launch at Computex.
Clocks higher than 2.6GHz will come in second half of 2008 with 45nm Deneb a part of the Stars 45nm core, but AMD or Kicking Pat didn’t talk about it.
Patrick Moorehaed just showcased an MSI notebook based on Puma. It works and it is in good shape. MSI will be launching Puma-based notebooks around Computex and AMD wanted to demonstrate that the marchitecture is the way it should be.
AMD also promises three to four times performance in graphics over the current notebook IGPs, but you should not be surprised as this platform is powered by a mobile 780G chipset.
AMD has high hopes and what Pat didn’t mention is the fact that many notebook manufacturers will do switchable graphics, where IGP will render in battery mode while discrete graphics will kick in on the the grid.
I guess we have been waiting for this for quite some time, at least on the graphics side, but the modified K8 Griffin doesn’t really sound like the greatest CPU for 2008.

We just witnessed that Puma will end up working with AMD Turion Ultra 64 bit, AMD Radeon Premium graphics and WiFi.
At least now we have some more details a of this interesting marchitecture, and as we said, it will launch around Computex, probably at Computex. Notebooks are getting more and more important and AMD knows it.
The company claims over 100 design wins and this sounds like a possible success story for AMD. AMD didn't do well in the notebook market, apart from the entry level, and we are sure that Puma has a chance to continue this success. Fighting Centrino is a tough task.
Our very well informed sources have confirmed that Deneb's core, Phenom / Opteron at 45nm with 6MB of L3 cache, can go over 3GHz. This is probably something that might save the day for AMD.
We had a chance to see the Phenom B3, and some limited samples are out there. AMD has showed it to its special customers and we had a chance to picture one of them.

Jedna se o informace dle webdeniku fudzilla http://www.fudzilla.com , takze je to takove vselijake :)...
Jeste se vratim ke vcerejsimu 45nm, tentokrat serverovemu Opteronu, ktery disponuje 6mb L3 cache /3x vice nez Barcelona/:

Ma pomerne nizke napeti, pri kterem bezi.
A neco k dvoujadrum Kuma , ty by se mely objevit ve 2 ctvrtleti tohoto roku, dle sdeleni Leslieho. Trojjadra by se mela objevit pred dvoujadry Kuma. A 45nm dvoujadra az v roce 2009.

Ma pomerne nizke napeti, pri kterem bezi.
A neco k dvoujadrum Kuma , ty by se mely objevit ve 2 ctvrtleti tohoto roku, dle sdeleni Leslieho. Trojjadra by se mela objevit pred dvoujadry Kuma. A 45nm dvoujadra az v roce 2009.
Jednoduche a srozumitelne znaceni procesoru:
jednojadra rady K8 budou znaceny ciselnou radou 1000
dvoujadra rady K8 v podobe dual- core sempron 2000
dvoujadra rady K8 typu dual-core athlon 4000
dvoujadra rady K10 typu dual-core 6000
trijadra rady K10 typu triple-core 8000
a ctyrjadra jiz dobre zname, ciselna rada 9000
jednojadra rady K8 budou znaceny ciselnou radou 1000
dvoujadra rady K8 v podobe dual- core sempron 2000
dvoujadra rady K8 typu dual-core athlon 4000
dvoujadra rady K10 typu dual-core 6000
trijadra rady K10 typu triple-core 8000
a ctyrjadra jiz dobre zname, ciselna rada 9000
Trijadra se uz zacinaji dostavat do prodeje, objevuji se v shopech v cenicich, zatim ovsem pomerne nadsazena cena :-/
Advanced Micro Devices on Thursday said it had begun shipments of its triple-core central processing units (CPUs) to large makers of personal computers (PCs). AMD Phenom 8000-series microprocessors will be available for end-users and small system makers at a later time.
The world’s second largest maker of x86 processors did not reveal specifications of the chips that it is shipping to its partners. However, based on information earlier revealed by unofficial sources, AMD started to ship AMD Phenom models 8450 (2.10GHz) and 8650 (2.30GHz) with 1.5MB level-two cache and 2MB of level-three cache based on B2 stepping of the core. AMD has not confirmed the specifications of its chips.
AMD Phenom B2 stepping processors are known for TLB-erratum, which may cause system freezes in certain rare cases and which can be fixed at the cost of about 10% of performance. AMD Phenom CPUs based on B3 stepping are erratum-free, thus, should show a little bit higher performance.
Earlier companies like Dell and HP demonstrated interest towards triple-core AMD Phenom 8000-series and intended to install them into their systems.
At press time AMD’s online price-list did not contain any mention of triple-core AMD Phenom 8000-series central processing units.
A prvni snad realny test Tolimanu 8600, z Cebitu.

Overclock s beta BIOSem:

grafika poslouzila integrovana 3200

srovnani bohuzel jen 3dmarku je vse, co bylo dle Fudzilly, pricemz procesory bezely na zakladnich frekvencich pri testovani, tzn dvoujadro 4850E na 2.5GHz, Toliman a Phenom na 2.3GHz[/img]
Advanced Micro Devices on Thursday said it had begun shipments of its triple-core central processing units (CPUs) to large makers of personal computers (PCs). AMD Phenom 8000-series microprocessors will be available for end-users and small system makers at a later time.
The world’s second largest maker of x86 processors did not reveal specifications of the chips that it is shipping to its partners. However, based on information earlier revealed by unofficial sources, AMD started to ship AMD Phenom models 8450 (2.10GHz) and 8650 (2.30GHz) with 1.5MB level-two cache and 2MB of level-three cache based on B2 stepping of the core. AMD has not confirmed the specifications of its chips.
AMD Phenom B2 stepping processors are known for TLB-erratum, which may cause system freezes in certain rare cases and which can be fixed at the cost of about 10% of performance. AMD Phenom CPUs based on B3 stepping are erratum-free, thus, should show a little bit higher performance.
Earlier companies like Dell and HP demonstrated interest towards triple-core AMD Phenom 8000-series and intended to install them into their systems.
At press time AMD’s online price-list did not contain any mention of triple-core AMD Phenom 8000-series central processing units.
A prvni snad realny test Tolimanu 8600, z Cebitu.

Overclock s beta BIOSem:

grafika poslouzila integrovana 3200

srovnani bohuzel jen 3dmarku je vse, co bylo dle Fudzilly, pricemz procesory bezely na zakladnich frekvencich pri testovani, tzn dvoujadro 4850E na 2.5GHz, Toliman a Phenom na 2.3GHz[/img]
AMD vypousti, jak jsi vetsina z nas vsimla nove procesory revize B3 a jak to bude dal vypadat?
shrnute specifikace prinesl computerbase:

-ceny jsou uvedeny k 7.4.2008
soucasne s temito CPU budou vypusteny trijadra jeste v B2 revizy x3 8400 a x3 8600, brzy budou nasledovane jiz revizi B3 a to modely X3 8450, 8650 a 8750.
Jeste letos se v prodeji ukaze 45nm K10.5 Deneb a Propus. A to behem 4Q 2008 s tim, ze prvni prokazanejsi informace co do vykonu by se mohly objevit jiz ve tretim ctvrtleti.

shrnute specifikace prinesl computerbase:

-ceny jsou uvedeny k 7.4.2008
soucasne s temito CPU budou vypusteny trijadra jeste v B2 revizy x3 8400 a x3 8600, brzy budou nasledovane jiz revizi B3 a to modely X3 8450, 8650 a 8750.
Jeste letos se v prodeji ukaze 45nm K10.5 Deneb a Propus. A to behem 4Q 2008 s tim, ze prvni prokazanejsi informace co do vykonu by se mohly objevit jiz ve tretim ctvrtleti.

Jeste letos se v prodeji ukaze 45nm K10.5 Deneb a Propus. A to behem 4Q 2008 s tim, ze prvni prokazanejsi informace co do vykonu by se mohly objevit jiz ve tretim ctvrtleti.
No dufam, ze to tak aj bude, ale podla dnesnej situacie na trhu by som to videl na spozdenie a vidu az v prvom kvartali Q1 2009, ale drzim chlapcom palce, abysa im to podarilo ;)
Jeste letos se v prodeji ukaze 45nm K10.5 Deneb a Propus. A to behem 4Q 2008 s tim, ze prvni prokazanejsi informace co do vykonu by se mohly objevit jiz ve tretim ctvrtleti.
No dufam, ze to tak aj bude, ale podla dnesnej situacie na trhu by som to videl na spozdenie a vidu az v prvom kvartali Q1 2009, ale drzim chlapcom palce, abysa im to podarilo ;)
Jinak Phenomy 9x50 už jsou pár dní na skladech, např. 9550 v [odkaz, pro zobrazení se přihlaste] za 4290,-, což je asi o 500méně Kč než u Q6600, takže cenově jsou nasazeny celkem slušně...s tím, že by mohly jít taktovat na 2,8 - 3 GHz, jsou už poměrně konkurenceschopné...
Jinak Phenomy 9x50 už jsou pár dní na skladech, např. 9550 v [odkaz, pro zobrazení se přihlaste] za 4290,-, což je asi o 500méně Kč než u Q6600, takže cenově jsou nasazeny celkem slušně...s tím, že by mohly jít taktovat na 2,8 - 3 GHz, jsou už poměrně konkurenceschopné...
AMD planuje take 6-jadra a 12-tijadro!
Budou zalozena na architekture K10.5, s kodovym oznacenim Istanbull. 6-jadra bz se mela objevit snad jeste letos a 12-tijadro az v roce 2009. Nutno jeste pototknout, ze budou podporovat tzv quad-channel!!! Pro srovanni, soucasne CPU pouzivaji dualchannel, Nehalem v nejvyssim modelu bude mit podporu tri-channel.
Budou zalozena na architekture K10.5, s kodovym oznacenim Istanbull. 6-jadra bz se mela objevit snad jeste letos a 12-tijadro az v roce 2009. Nutno jeste pototknout, ze budou podporovat tzv quad-channel!!! Pro srovanni, soucasne CPU pouzivaji dualchannel, Nehalem v nejvyssim modelu bude mit podporu tri-channel.
Hm, tak s touto neplánovanou investicí už vím, co si pořídím...nejprve high-end paměti, pak desku 790FX s SB700 a nakonec šestijádro quadchannel :p Předpokládám, že řadič bude zpětně kompatibilní a bude umět i dualchannel...?
diskuze na xtreme k planovanym novinkovym procesorum AMD
a neco pro Phenomy, novy chipset by mel umoznit lehci taktovani
A posledni, mluvi se zas po delsim case o AMD Bulldozer, ze by mel byt vyraben z pocatku 45nm postupem, pozdeji 32nm. Tento procesor by mohl byt prulomovy, ci jinak receno uspesny, jak sveho casu K8 ci dnes Core od Intelu. Mel by podporovat SSE5 mimo jine, existovat v 8-jadrove a 16-jadrove variante a nahradit radu K10.5.
diskuze na xtreme k planovanym novinkovym procesorum AMD
a neco pro Phenomy, novy chipset by mel umoznit lehci taktovani
A posledni, mluvi se zas po delsim case o AMD Bulldozer, ze by mel byt vyraben z pocatku 45nm postupem, pozdeji 32nm. Tento procesor by mohl byt prulomovy, ci jinak receno uspesny, jak sveho casu K8 ci dnes Core od Intelu. Mel by podporovat SSE5 mimo jine, existovat v 8-jadrove a 16-jadrove variante a nahradit radu K10.5.
[QUOTE=flanker;114826]AMD planuje take 6-jadra a 12-tijadro!
Budou zalozena na architekture K10.5, s kodovym oznacenim Istanbull. 6-jadra bz se mela objevit snad jeste letos a 12-tijadro az v roce 2009. Nutno jeste pototknout, ze budou podporovat tzv quad-channel!!! Pro srovanni, soucasne CPU pouzivaji dualchannel, Nehalem v nejvyssim modelu bude mit podporu tri-channel.[/QUOTE]
No ja neviem, ale nezda sa mi zeby na 45nm napchali pod heatsink 12 jadier, tych 6 clovek este uveri... 12 je asi myslene s prechodom na 32 nm postup, ale ja tak sa mi to furt zda byt nevtesnatelne pod jeden heatsink :)
Ten Quad chanel by mohla byt zaujimava moznost, ale ked si zoberiem ze uz dual chanel nam na vykone neprinasa nic extra (max 2-3%) tak to vidim skor ako papierovu vyhodu nez realne funkcnu ;)
Budou zalozena na architekture K10.5, s kodovym oznacenim Istanbull. 6-jadra bz se mela objevit snad jeste letos a 12-tijadro az v roce 2009. Nutno jeste pototknout, ze budou podporovat tzv quad-channel!!! Pro srovanni, soucasne CPU pouzivaji dualchannel, Nehalem v nejvyssim modelu bude mit podporu tri-channel.[/QUOTE]
No ja neviem, ale nezda sa mi zeby na 45nm napchali pod heatsink 12 jadier, tych 6 clovek este uveri... 12 je asi myslene s prechodom na 32 nm postup, ale ja tak sa mi to furt zda byt nevtesnatelne pod jeden heatsink :)
Ten Quad chanel by mohla byt zaujimava moznost, ale ked si zoberiem ze uz dual chanel nam na vykone neprinasa nic extra (max 2-3%) tak to vidim skor ako papierovu vyhodu nez realne funkcnu ;)
A nebo to mozna bude 2x6 jadro na special desce, neco jako Skultrail. Jako Bulldozer bude dozajista jako 16-jadro na 32nm, si to na 45nm neumim predstavit :D
neco o CPU Istanbul
45nm Deneb byl presunut z 3Q na 4Q udajne, v 3Q jenom serverovy Shanghai
A male info o Buldozer AMD
45nm Deneb byl presunut z 3Q na 4Q udajne, v 3Q jenom serverovy Shanghai
A male info o Buldozer AMD
novinky co prijde od AMD tento rok ohledne novych 4-jader a soucasnych 4-jader i trijader:
Nejaka infa ohledne AMD procesoru:
Ve zkratce se jedna asi o toto:
AMD planuje uvest v budoucnu celou radu uspornych procesoru. Bude to nejen v segmentu 2-jader a 4-jader, ale take usporna 3-jadra. U dvoujader se jedna o brisnabe jadra s 45W TDP, kde modely 4050, 4450 a 4850 vystridaji BE verze postupne. Objevi se 4-jadro Phenom X4 9350 s TDP pouze 65W a taktu 2GHz. Nejspis diky tomuto CPU se pozdrzuje i model 9150 a budou vydany soucasne nekde k pocatku Q2. Ve 4Q se objevi vyse taktovane trijadro /z jinych zdroju by to mel byt X3 8850 na 2.5-2.6GHz/. AMD hodla v tomto trendu pokracovat i nasledujici rok 2009. A to hnedka osekanymi 4-jadry tridy Propus, ktere maji mit max TDP 65W a takty 2.3-2.6GHz. U jadra Propus se pocita i s45W TDP variantami, coz je na 4-jadro uctyhodne!
Jako dalsi novinka ze stejneho webu je informace o novem dvoujadre, bohuzel stale rady K8. Objevi se nahrada soucasneho X2 6000+ zalozenem na jadre Windsor, tentokrat to bude jadro Brisbane a oznaceni X2 6000+, ovsem takt 3.1GHz! TDP by melo byt kazdopadne nizsi nez u jader WIndsor, odhaduju to na TDP kolem 90W a k dostani by meli byt az behem prazdnin.
PS: a kde jsou K10 dvoujadra Kuma? Evil or Very Mad
Ve zkratce se jedna asi o toto:
AMD planuje uvest v budoucnu celou radu uspornych procesoru. Bude to nejen v segmentu 2-jader a 4-jader, ale take usporna 3-jadra. U dvoujader se jedna o brisnabe jadra s 45W TDP, kde modely 4050, 4450 a 4850 vystridaji BE verze postupne. Objevi se 4-jadro Phenom X4 9350 s TDP pouze 65W a taktu 2GHz. Nejspis diky tomuto CPU se pozdrzuje i model 9150 a budou vydany soucasne nekde k pocatku Q2. Ve 4Q se objevi vyse taktovane trijadro /z jinych zdroju by to mel byt X3 8850 na 2.5-2.6GHz/. AMD hodla v tomto trendu pokracovat i nasledujici rok 2009. A to hnedka osekanymi 4-jadry tridy Propus, ktere maji mit max TDP 65W a takty 2.3-2.6GHz. U jadra Propus se pocita i s45W TDP variantami, coz je na 4-jadro uctyhodne!
Jako dalsi novinka ze stejneho webu je informace o novem dvoujadre, bohuzel stale rady K8. Objevi se nahrada soucasneho X2 6000+ zalozenem na jadre Windsor, tentokrat to bude jadro Brisbane a oznaceni X2 6000+, ovsem takt 3.1GHz! TDP by melo byt kazdopadne nizsi nez u jader WIndsor, odhaduju to na TDP kolem 90W a k dostani by meli byt az behem prazdnin.
PS: a kde jsou K10 dvoujadra Kuma? Evil or Very Mad
Dnes se objevily 2 zajimave testy, kde hlavne v prvnim platforma AMD totalne vydrtila platformu Intelu. Neverite? Tak verte :-D .
Jedna se, upozornuju, o test kompletnich platforem!
H.264 coding Pirates of the Caribbean-mene je lepe

se vsemi filmy to dopadlo velice podobne ve prospech AMD
halflife2-vice je lepe

v integrovanem reseni nema AMD konkurenci a zaver zni:
From the test results we can see AMD platform was much better than the G35 platform. 780G chipset can support all the HD videos hardware acceleration. Tough Intel G35 said can support VC-1 hardware acceleration, from the tests we can see its results are not acceptable.
From the game tests we can see AMD Phenom X3 8750 and 780G system almost can run all the games while Intel G35 almost cannot run any of them.
Druhy test se tykal porovnani vykonu procesoru
srovnavany byly:
X4 9750 -samozrejme bylo jasne, ze vykonove by mu dalsi souperi nemely cinit nejake problemy
X3 8750- zastupce trijader a cenovy konkurent E8200
E8200-jako hlavni zastupce INtelu
E6550-65nm model Intelu
X2 4600+ jako "klasicke" dvoujadro AMD

Zevrubne vzato, trojjadra jsou adekvatni konkurenci dvoujadrovym Intelum, na pocet jader netreba se vymlouvat, Intelu nikdo nebrani je delat taky pripadne srazet ceny niz, kdyz bude pootreba, tot muj nazor na tuto problematiku. Vyssi vykon trijadra v prumeru nahani Intelovska dvoujadra zase vyssim vykonem v pretaktovani.
Jedna se, upozornuju, o test kompletnich platforem!
H.264 coding Pirates of the Caribbean-mene je lepe

se vsemi filmy to dopadlo velice podobne ve prospech AMD
halflife2-vice je lepe

v integrovanem reseni nema AMD konkurenci a zaver zni:
From the test results we can see AMD platform was much better than the G35 platform. 780G chipset can support all the HD videos hardware acceleration. Tough Intel G35 said can support VC-1 hardware acceleration, from the tests we can see its results are not acceptable.
From the game tests we can see AMD Phenom X3 8750 and 780G system almost can run all the games while Intel G35 almost cannot run any of them.
Druhy test se tykal porovnani vykonu procesoru
srovnavany byly:
X4 9750 -samozrejme bylo jasne, ze vykonove by mu dalsi souperi nemely cinit nejake problemy
X3 8750- zastupce trijader a cenovy konkurent E8200
E8200-jako hlavni zastupce INtelu
E6550-65nm model Intelu
X2 4600+ jako "klasicke" dvoujadro AMD

Zevrubne vzato, trojjadra jsou adekvatni konkurenci dvoujadrovym Intelum, na pocet jader netreba se vymlouvat, Intelu nikdo nebrani je delat taky pripadne srazet ceny niz, kdyz bude pootreba, tot muj nazor na tuto problematiku. Vyssi vykon trijadra v prumeru nahani Intelovska dvoujadra zase vyssim vykonem v pretaktovani.
[QUOTE=flanker;117350]Zevrubne vzato, trojjadra jsou adekvatni konkurenci dvoujadrovym Intelum, na pocet jader netreba se vymlouvat, Intelu nikdo nebrani je delat taky pripadne srazet ceny niz, kdyz bude pootreba, tot muj nazor na tuto problematiku. Vyssi vykon trijadra v prumeru nahani Intelovska dvoujadra zase vyssim vykonem v pretaktovani.[/QUOTE]
Velmi pekne, na AMD platformu (MB+CPU+Cipset) sa dnes nechyta ani samotny Intel a ani s kombinciou Intel+ nVIDIA, ako platforma je AMD skvela, bohuzial pri porovnavani CPU je to uz horsie, nove X3 vyzeraju slubne a ked dobre zapracuje marketing, tak sa budu dobre predavat a casom mozno pride aj Intel s 3 jadrami ;)
Velmi pekne, na AMD platformu (MB+CPU+Cipset) sa dnes nechyta ani samotny Intel a ani s kombinciou Intel+ nVIDIA, ako platforma je AMD skvela, bohuzial pri porovnavani CPU je to uz horsie, nove X3 vyzeraju slubne a ked dobre zapracuje marketing, tak sa budu dobre predavat a casom mozno pride aj Intel s 3 jadrami ;)
ty trijadra good, maji sve plusy i minusy oproti Core Duo. Potesujici je i to, ze se Toliman celkem dobre taktuje, vetsinou bez zvyseni napeti na 2.9-3Ghz. Coz se u nej na vykonu podepise. A proto bych koupil asi X3 8650, ktery ma rozumnou cenu.
test Phenomu X4 9100e se objevil na Hardspell, jelikoz se ejdna jeste o starsi revizy B2, nezaclenil sme ji do sekce testu Phenomu B3...Srovnavan byl s dvoujadrem X2 4600+ EE.
[QUOTE=weiss1987;121251]Vie niekto kedy budu zase 5000+ Black? Nie su ani v Cesku ani na Slovensku.[/QUOTE]
Dle mych zdroju nebudou, respektive maj status doprodej u distributoru.
Da se predpokladat ze "vlajkova" black edition odted uz budou jen phenomy.
Dle mych zdroju nebudou, respektive maj status doprodej u distributoru.
Da se predpokladat ze "vlajkova" black edition odted uz budou jen phenomy.
Vsak AMD teraz znizilo ceny na 87$. Nepocul som zeby zrusili vyrobu najpredavanejsieho procaku. Nedava to zmysel.
[QUOTE=weiss1987;121253]Vsak AMD teraz znizilo ceny na 87$. Nepocul som zeby zrusili vyrobu najpredavanejsieho procaku. Nedava to zmysel.[/QUOTE]
Myslis ze to, ze se se mnou budes hadat neco zmeni?
1)Mam potvrzeno od nekolika lidi ze 5000+ Black edition ma u distributoru status doprodej nebo jsou zcela vyskrtnuty z nabidky (zkus si treba na alze najit 5000+ black edition)
2)AMD v soucasne dobe dle meho nazoru nema zadnou motivaci vydavat nove modely Black Editon z rady Athlonu x2, kdyz tady ma phenomy. Jakej by to melo smysl zvysovat prodeje lowendovejch athlonu x2, ze kterejch maj zisk nula nula nic na ukor phenomu?
3)O jedinem dalsim B.E. athlonu x2 o kterem se zminuji zpravodajske weby, ma byt pry 5600+, ale uprimne pochybuju ze bude nakonec vydanej, teda prinejmensim rozhodne ne za cenu cca 1700kc jakou ma dnesni 5000+ B.E.
Myslis ze to, ze se se mnou budes hadat neco zmeni?
1)Mam potvrzeno od nekolika lidi ze 5000+ Black edition ma u distributoru status doprodej nebo jsou zcela vyskrtnuty z nabidky (zkus si treba na alze najit 5000+ black edition)
2)AMD v soucasne dobe dle meho nazoru nema zadnou motivaci vydavat nove modely Black Editon z rady Athlonu x2, kdyz tady ma phenomy. Jakej by to melo smysl zvysovat prodeje lowendovejch athlonu x2, ze kterejch maj zisk nula nula nic na ukor phenomu?
3)O jedinem dalsim B.E. athlonu x2 o kterem se zminuji zpravodajske weby, ma byt pry 5600+, ale uprimne pochybuju ze bude nakonec vydanej, teda prinejmensim rozhodne ne za cenu cca 1700kc jakou ma dnesni 5000+ B.E.
[QUOTE=weiss1987;121345]Len sa mi to zdalo nelogicke.[/QUOTE]
Proc? Black Edition je prestizni modelova rada. Nema smysl nabizet podobne prestizni radu na stare architekture, kdyz uz ma amd architekturu novou (se kterou uz take nabizi Black Edition modely).
Proc? Black Edition je prestizni modelova rada. Nema smysl nabizet podobne prestizni radu na stare architekture, kdyz uz ma amd architekturu novou (se kterou uz take nabizi Black Edition modely).
Takhle vypada serverove usporadani CPU AMD Istanbull, jak je videt, jedna se o nativni 6-jadro, ktere bude nasazeno jiz pristi rok. V zakladu bude vychazet s AMD Shanghai. Istanbul má 6MB L3 cache, 512KB L2 cache a podporu DDR2 nebo DDR3 pameti, dle socketu. Bude totiz zpetne kompaktibilni....POzdeji prijde i jeho derivat na 32nm vyrobe.

Po techto procesorech by se mely ukazat jiz prvni Bulldozery...

Po techto procesorech by se mely ukazat jiz prvni Bulldozery...
Objevily se dalsi infa ohledne nasledujicich X4 od AMD

spekulace probiha ohledne taktu, Fudzilla udajne tvrdi, ze Phenom 9950 bude mit frekvenci 2660MHz, ovsem realneji pusobi vzhledem k AMD 2.6GHz. TDP je bohuzel 140W v prvni fazy, ovsem potesujici je, ze se dockame jeste letos dle roadmpay 9850 se snizenou TDP /jaka to ovsem bude vyhoda, kdyz tu bude zaroven Deneb s nizsim TDP a vyssim vykonem??/

spekulace probiha ohledne taktu, Fudzilla udajne tvrdi, ze Phenom 9950 bude mit frekvenci 2660MHz, ovsem realneji pusobi vzhledem k AMD 2.6GHz. TDP je bohuzel 140W v prvni fazy, ovsem potesujici je, ze se dockame jeste letos dle roadmpay 9850 se snizenou TDP /jaka to ovsem bude vyhoda, kdyz tu bude zaroven Deneb s nizsim TDP a vyssim vykonem??/
[QUOTE=flanker;122798]/jaka to ovsem bude vyhoda, kdyz tu bude zaroven Deneb s nizsim TDP a vyssim vykonem??/[/QUOTE]
Hlavní je OEM trh, kde se podívej co všechno se prodává za katastrofu (dual-core Celerony apod. apod. se prodávají jedině na OEM trhu, kdo by si to do PC koupil, že ?), takže pomalejší, ale zárveň méně žravé procesory se určitě udají.
Hlavní je OEM trh, kde se podívej co všechno se prodává za katastrofu (dual-core Celerony apod. apod. se prodávají jedině na OEM trhu, kdo by si to do PC koupil, že ?), takže pomalejší, ale zárveň méně žravé procesory se určitě udají.
Na COmputexu se nam ukaze AMD Puma, ktera vychazi z Turionu. Jiz 3.6. by se mela predvest. Dale se znovu zacina povidat o dvoujadrech AMD Kuma, jejich takty maji byt udajne do 3Ghz a maji obsahovat 2MB L3 cache. Jsem tedy zvedav na vykony a cenu. Mozna nam vice prozradi take Computex. Posledni infformaci je, ze FX procesory AMD se k nam vrati v 1Q 2009, budou zalozene na procesorech Deneb, o frekvencich je tezke spekulovat, ale videl bych to mezi 2.6-3Ghz u jednotlivych modelu. Deneb by se vsak mel objevit jeste letos v "beznych" verzich.

Co ze to je? Jedna se o novy X4 9750 s TDP pouze 95W, prodavat se zacne kazdym dnem. Zatim je dostupny pouze v Japonsku.
Dnensi novinka se tyka prichozich uspornych 4-jader a dalsich 4-jader ve 4Q 2008.
Takze behem 4. ctvrtleti by mely na trh dorazit usporna 4-jadra s TDP 65W. Nekdo si rekne ze 65W neni nic extra, ale porad je dulezite si uvedomit dve veci:
A)Phenom je nativni 4-jadro, pomerne slozity chip (srovnatelny bude Nehalem strukturou)
B)Jedna se stale o 65nm proces
Trijadra jsou jasna, prijdou usporna, ovsem nizko taktovana X3 mezi 1.9-2.1Ghz.
Zajimavejsi jsou ovsem 4-jadra stejneho TDP:
X4 9350e 2GHz
X4 9850e 2.5Ghz
X4 9950e 2.6GHz !
Taktez se nam ukazou blize modelove neoznacene Deneby mezi 2.4-2.8GHz. Nasledne v 1Q 2009 take zajima 4-jadra Propus mezi 2.3-2.6Ghz a dalsi Deneb procesory.
edit:udajne se uz objevuje v shopech X4 9950...
Takze behem 4. ctvrtleti by mely na trh dorazit usporna 4-jadra s TDP 65W. Nekdo si rekne ze 65W neni nic extra, ale porad je dulezite si uvedomit dve veci:
A)Phenom je nativni 4-jadro, pomerne slozity chip (srovnatelny bude Nehalem strukturou)
B)Jedna se stale o 65nm proces
Trijadra jsou jasna, prijdou usporna, ovsem nizko taktovana X3 mezi 1.9-2.1Ghz.
Zajimavejsi jsou ovsem 4-jadra stejneho TDP:
X4 9350e 2GHz
X4 9850e 2.5Ghz
X4 9950e 2.6GHz !
Taktez se nam ukazou blize modelove neoznacene Deneby mezi 2.4-2.8GHz. Nasledne v 1Q 2009 take zajima 4-jadra Propus mezi 2.3-2.6Ghz a dalsi Deneb procesory.
edit:udajne se uz objevuje v shopech X4 9950...
AMD X4 9950 se blizi...Spekuluje se, ze se bude jednat o verzy jak klasickou, tak ve forme BE, ktera je fanousky pomerne oblibena. A jak si tento procesor vede? Web TG daily vidi smer vyvoje AMD pozitivne a tento CPU dosahl v testu 3Dmark vantage CPU score velmi peknych 12 321 bodu. Pro srovnani uvadeji, ze X4 9850 dosahl pouze kolem 10 000 bodu .

Deneb bude samozrejme vyraben 45nm a nasledne v novem roce dojde na stejny zpusob technologie vyroby jako ma Intel.

Deneb bude samozrejme vyraben 45nm a nasledne v novem roce dojde na stejny zpusob technologie vyroby jako ma Intel.
Tak tu máme pár novinek, světový rekord v superpí na 1M u AMD, porpvé překročen limit pod 20s !

z obrázku si jistě všimnete 45nm AMD, ano, je to AMD Deneb ES nějakého uživatele. Dle sreenshotů v jednom fóru to vypadá, že se Deneb už dostal mezi více lidí...Spíše jsem ale zvědav na jiné benchmarky než superpí.
A výše uvedený odkaz je něco sreenshotů jiného uživatele, co testoval OC Denebu a superpí.

z obrázku si jistě všimnete 45nm AMD, ano, je to AMD Deneb ES nějakého uživatele. Dle sreenshotů v jednom fóru to vypadá, že se Deneb už dostal mezi více lidí...Spíše jsem ale zvědav na jiné benchmarky než superpí.
A výše uvedený odkaz je něco sreenshotů jiného uživatele, co testoval OC Denebu a superpí.
Hector Ruiz opouští pozici CEO a nastupuje Dirk Meyer
[QUOTE]SUNNYVALE, Calif. -- July 17, 2008 --AMD (NYSE:AMD) today announced that its board of directors elected President and COO Dirk Meyer as the company’s chief executive officer. Meyer succeeds Hector Ruiz, who will become executive chairman of AMD and chair of the board of directors. As executive chairman, Ruiz will ensure a smooth executive leadership transition, focus on driving the company’s asset smart strategy to completion, and assist with high-level government and strategic partner relations.
“Dirk’s election to CEO is the final phase of a two-year succession plan developed and implemented jointly by AMD’s board of directors and executive team,” said Robert Palmer, lead independent director. “Under Hector’s strong leadership, AMD drove the industry adoption of pervasive 64-bit and multicore computing, became a trusted enterprise-class partner to leading technology suppliers and significantly expanded its global footprint in high-growth markets like China.
“Dirk’s extensive experience as a business leader and his notable engineering accomplishments before and during his 12 years at AMD make him ideally suited to build upon the foundation Hector created and lead AMD.”
“AMD has fundamentally altered the industry landscape, leading the innovation agenda while delivering greater choice and better experiences for our customers and users,” said Ruiz, executive chairman, AMD. “Dirk is a gifted leader who possesses the right skills and experience to continue driving AMD and the industry forward in new, compelling directions. I am placing the company in excellent hands.”
Meyer, 46, joined AMD in 1995 and made his mark as part of the design team responsible for the original AMD Athlon™ processor, a breakthrough product for AMD and the industry’s first processor to break the 1GHz barrier. From 2001 to 2006, Meyer led the company’s microprocessor business, overseeing related R&D, manufacturing, operations, and marketing. His leadership skills during these five years resulted in a doubling of revenue for the microprocessor business and a substantial expansion of AMD’s global profile. In 2006, Meyer was appointed president and COO, and in 2007, he was elected to AMD’s board of directors.
“I’m tremendously excited by the opportunities ahead for AMD. As the only company that possesses expertise and leadership in both x86 microprocessor and graphics technology, AMD has a unique capability to drive the next wave of innovation through the integration of computing and graphics processors to deliver a better computing experience,” said Meyer, president and chief executive officer, AMD. “We are in the midst of re-shaping AMD’s business model with the goal of delivering sustained profitability through a focus on the core technologies that differentiate AMD. My immediate priority is to work with the leadership team to accelerate this transformation. I appreciate the trust that the Board and Hector have placed in me. During the years that I’ve worked under Hector, he has been an excellent leader, mentor and friend.”
Ruiz, 62, joined AMD as president and chief operating officer in January 2000 and became AMD's chief executive officer on April 25, 2002. He has served on AMD’s board of directors since 2000 and was appointed chairman of the board of directors in 2004. His accomplishments at AMD and contributions to the industry include:
Expanding AMD beyond the consumer desktop market into the commercial and enterprise market, resulting in AMD technology being used by as much as 90 of the top 100 companies on the Forbes Global 2000 by the year 2007.
Growing AMD’s customer base to include the world’s top 10 computer manufacturers and the world’s top 10 consumer electronics manufacturers.
Redefining the future of enterprise computing with the introduction of the AMD Opteron™ processor, paving the way for the industry-standard x86 architecture to deliver the advantages of 64-bit computing.
Sharply growing AMD’s global presence, with new teams and new design centers in China, India, and other high-growth markets. In 2007, AMD’s international sales represented 87 percent of total consolidated revenue, as compared to 66 percent in 2001.
Focusing the industry on innovating to better meet customer needs. This strategy, commonly referred to as “customer-centric innovation,” has become a hallmark of Hector and of AMD, and is a primary point of AMD’s competitive differentiation.
Broadening AMD’s platform advantage to include leading-edge graphics and paving the road for the next generation of computing, Accelerated Computing, with the ATI acquisition in late 2006.
Promoting fair and open competition in the global microprocessor market with AMD filing a landmark antitrust suit against Intel. Since 2005, antitrust regulators around the world have validated claims made by AMD regarding Intel’s illegal business practices by launching independent investigations that have thus far uncovered evidence of illegal monopoly maintenance that harms consumer choice.
About AMD
Advanced Micro Devices (NYSE: AMD) is a leading global provider of innovative processing solutions in the computing and graphics markets. AMD is dedicated to driving open innovation, choice and industry growth by delivering superior customer-centric solutions that empower consumers and businesses worldwide. For more information, visit http://www.amd.com.[/QUOTE]
Došlo k tomu po ohlášení výsledků za Q208
[QUOTE]SUNNYVALE, Calif. -- July 17, 2008 --AMD (NYSE:AMD) today announced that its board of directors elected President and COO Dirk Meyer as the company’s chief executive officer. Meyer succeeds Hector Ruiz, who will become executive chairman of AMD and chair of the board of directors. As executive chairman, Ruiz will ensure a smooth executive leadership transition, focus on driving the company’s asset smart strategy to completion, and assist with high-level government and strategic partner relations.
“Dirk’s election to CEO is the final phase of a two-year succession plan developed and implemented jointly by AMD’s board of directors and executive team,” said Robert Palmer, lead independent director. “Under Hector’s strong leadership, AMD drove the industry adoption of pervasive 64-bit and multicore computing, became a trusted enterprise-class partner to leading technology suppliers and significantly expanded its global footprint in high-growth markets like China.
“Dirk’s extensive experience as a business leader and his notable engineering accomplishments before and during his 12 years at AMD make him ideally suited to build upon the foundation Hector created and lead AMD.”
“AMD has fundamentally altered the industry landscape, leading the innovation agenda while delivering greater choice and better experiences for our customers and users,” said Ruiz, executive chairman, AMD. “Dirk is a gifted leader who possesses the right skills and experience to continue driving AMD and the industry forward in new, compelling directions. I am placing the company in excellent hands.”
Meyer, 46, joined AMD in 1995 and made his mark as part of the design team responsible for the original AMD Athlon™ processor, a breakthrough product for AMD and the industry’s first processor to break the 1GHz barrier. From 2001 to 2006, Meyer led the company’s microprocessor business, overseeing related R&D, manufacturing, operations, and marketing. His leadership skills during these five years resulted in a doubling of revenue for the microprocessor business and a substantial expansion of AMD’s global profile. In 2006, Meyer was appointed president and COO, and in 2007, he was elected to AMD’s board of directors.
“I’m tremendously excited by the opportunities ahead for AMD. As the only company that possesses expertise and leadership in both x86 microprocessor and graphics technology, AMD has a unique capability to drive the next wave of innovation through the integration of computing and graphics processors to deliver a better computing experience,” said Meyer, president and chief executive officer, AMD. “We are in the midst of re-shaping AMD’s business model with the goal of delivering sustained profitability through a focus on the core technologies that differentiate AMD. My immediate priority is to work with the leadership team to accelerate this transformation. I appreciate the trust that the Board and Hector have placed in me. During the years that I’ve worked under Hector, he has been an excellent leader, mentor and friend.”
Ruiz, 62, joined AMD as president and chief operating officer in January 2000 and became AMD's chief executive officer on April 25, 2002. He has served on AMD’s board of directors since 2000 and was appointed chairman of the board of directors in 2004. His accomplishments at AMD and contributions to the industry include:
Expanding AMD beyond the consumer desktop market into the commercial and enterprise market, resulting in AMD technology being used by as much as 90 of the top 100 companies on the Forbes Global 2000 by the year 2007.
Growing AMD’s customer base to include the world’s top 10 computer manufacturers and the world’s top 10 consumer electronics manufacturers.
Redefining the future of enterprise computing with the introduction of the AMD Opteron™ processor, paving the way for the industry-standard x86 architecture to deliver the advantages of 64-bit computing.
Sharply growing AMD’s global presence, with new teams and new design centers in China, India, and other high-growth markets. In 2007, AMD’s international sales represented 87 percent of total consolidated revenue, as compared to 66 percent in 2001.
Focusing the industry on innovating to better meet customer needs. This strategy, commonly referred to as “customer-centric innovation,” has become a hallmark of Hector and of AMD, and is a primary point of AMD’s competitive differentiation.
Broadening AMD’s platform advantage to include leading-edge graphics and paving the road for the next generation of computing, Accelerated Computing, with the ATI acquisition in late 2006.
Promoting fair and open competition in the global microprocessor market with AMD filing a landmark antitrust suit against Intel. Since 2005, antitrust regulators around the world have validated claims made by AMD regarding Intel’s illegal business practices by launching independent investigations that have thus far uncovered evidence of illegal monopoly maintenance that harms consumer choice.
About AMD
Advanced Micro Devices (NYSE: AMD) is a leading global provider of innovative processing solutions in the computing and graphics markets. AMD is dedicated to driving open innovation, choice and industry growth by delivering superior customer-centric solutions that empower consumers and businesses worldwide. For more information, visit http://www.amd.com.[/QUOTE]
Došlo k tomu po ohlášení výsledků za Q208
AMD Deneb a spotreba

Phenom 9600 BE 2.3Ghz

Deneb ES 2.3Ghz

spotreba sestavy 9600BE

A spotreba sestavy Deneb ES

A teploty? Phenom: 45 stupnu Deneb: 35 stupnu

Phenom 9600 BE 2.3Ghz

Deneb ES 2.3Ghz

spotreba sestavy 9600BE

A spotreba sestavy Deneb ES

A teploty? Phenom: 45 stupnu Deneb: 35 stupnu
A mame tu dalsi benchmarky procesoru Deneb, nyni na zakladni frekvenci 2.3GHz a nasledne pretaktovane na 3.25GHz. CPU-Z nejspis zase ukazuje vyssi napeti, nez je skutecne.

testování bylo na sestave nize a s take nize uvedenymi testy:

po 10minutach Orthosu stale nizka teplota (teplota okoli byla 26 stupnu)

Pretaktovany stav:

a teplota po Orthosu po 10minutach

tentokrat superpi "zadny zazrak"
(i kdyz je to stale o 1.5s lepsi nez napr x3 8650 na stejne frekvenci, ovsem s nize taktovanymi pametmi!)
Everest pameti:

Sisoft Sandra, tam je solidni vysledek:

winrar uvadet nebudu, nebot nepouzil k testu MT...pro info vysledek 518 a 563KB/s
Fritz chess benchmark-znovu spis nevalny vysledek vzhledem k soucasnym Phenomum (prakticky stejny, presneji uvedeno dokonce nizsi! )

Cinebench R10, na ktery jsem byl osobne natesen mi prinasi zklamani...Znovu horsi nez soucasny X4 9650..

A jako posledni 3D mark Vantage

edit//Zaverem jsem se docetl, ze soucasne bezne pouzivane desky, maji s temito CPU problemy (nejspis BIOS a jeho stare verze) a udajne to ma vliv na vykon (proto takove rozporuplne vysledky?). Problem byl i s otevrenym nasobicem, pry nesel nastavit na vyssi hodnotu a tak zbytek byl limit FSB...Kladny poznatek uzivatele jsou prave nizke teploty,ktere se pry pri testovani neprehoupli v OC stavu nad 50 stupnu a udajne AMD na to v prezentacich bude poukazovat. Pry i Cinebench neprobihal korektne jak by mel, takze vykonove testy nam moc dnes nerekly :) Tento problem se dale resi an foru extremesystems...

testování bylo na sestave nize a s take nize uvedenymi testy:

po 10minutach Orthosu stale nizka teplota (teplota okoli byla 26 stupnu)
Pretaktovany stav:

a teplota po Orthosu po 10minutach
tentokrat superpi "zadny zazrak"

Everest pameti:

Sisoft Sandra, tam je solidni vysledek:

winrar uvadet nebudu, nebot nepouzil k testu MT...pro info vysledek 518 a 563KB/s
Fritz chess benchmark-znovu spis nevalny vysledek vzhledem k soucasnym Phenomum (prakticky stejny, presneji uvedeno dokonce nizsi! )

Cinebench R10, na ktery jsem byl osobne natesen mi prinasi zklamani...Znovu horsi nez soucasny X4 9650..

A jako posledni 3D mark Vantage

edit//Zaverem jsem se docetl, ze soucasne bezne pouzivane desky, maji s temito CPU problemy (nejspis BIOS a jeho stare verze) a udajne to ma vliv na vykon (proto takove rozporuplne vysledky?). Problem byl i s otevrenym nasobicem, pry nesel nastavit na vyssi hodnotu a tak zbytek byl limit FSB...Kladny poznatek uzivatele jsou prave nizke teploty,ktere se pry pri testovani neprehoupli v OC stavu nad 50 stupnu a udajne AMD na to v prezentacich bude poukazovat. Pry i Cinebench neprobihal korektne jak by mel, takze vykonove testy nam moc dnes nerekly :) Tento problem se dale resi an foru extremesystems...
IBM a AMD jako první mají 22nm výrobní postup: http://www.tgdaily.com/content/view/38941/135/